Who are the heroes on steemit? (5SBD contest)

I was just thinking.. More and more I look at the people in our IFC community and others as well on the platform as heroes. And all the heroes have different strengths and weaknesses so to speak, they all have their "powers" or even "super powers".

And I was wondering... Who do you think are a few of the biggest heroes on steemit in regards to trying help others and the platform in general to do better and succeed?
And why do you think they are heroes?

Artwork credit - Charisma777

I'd like to become more aware of the heroes on steemit, and I'd also like to work with as many of them as is reasonably possible as well in whatever ways are reasonably possible.

You could consider this as a sort of little side quest type of thing.. I will give 5 SBD to the person who gives me the best write up of who they think the best heroes on steemit are.

I'd prefer you don't list more than 3 people.. Try to keep it to just 3 if possible! I won't disqualify you if you do more than 3, but.. I think 3 is a good number. 3 or less is ideal.

Please write up a lil something about each of them to explain why you think they are your choices for some of the best heroes on steemit. :)

Thanks if you decide to help! I'll personally decide which one I like the most after the payout of this post, I may get some other judges to help vote.. But.. I might just do it myself as well. We'll see! Things are busy at the IFC! Cheers. :)

PS.. If I haven't responded in a while I'm not ignoring you.. Just quite a bit behind on messages cause of being so busy, hopefully wil respond to them all before too much longer.

PSPS.. This contest is open to anyone, not just IFC members. Please feel free to chime in if you want to! :)

PSPSPS Please don't pick me as one of the heroes since I'm looking for others! I appreciate the sentiments though. ._.

Artwork credit - @yeszuzia on steemit and instagram

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