Recorded Live- Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Winner!!! And Join New Escape Game!

With a little assistance from and youtube with google hangouts, I was easily able to air a live broadcast of the winner!

Here is the recording- please bear with me- lol, this was my first time and I cannot believe I did it right my first go!

On a side note- the music is not mine! It popped up at strangely perfect times, perhaps someone can tell me how this happened because I am at a loss! LOL

Love you guys! Congrats @ainie.kashif! I loved your stories! All of you did an amazing job, and I am so happy we enjoyed this adventure together!

Stay tuned for more adventure challenges! And sign up for Escape The School- Winter Break, and exciting Escape game with a prize of at least $50 STEEM doanted by the ever impressive and never duplicated @hanshotfirst and run by the fantabulous @markrab with a little help from your one and only Kitten :)

Sign up for Escape The School here! @blue-pencil/win-usd50-steem-play-escape-the-school-challenge-winter-break-edition

Give me a few days to transfer the participation rewards to the rest of you, there were a lot of players but I promise I will get to everyone :) I am but one Kitten, but I am moving fast ;)

Thank you again! I love you guys!!! Muah!

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