Snowpocalypse Survival Challenge Day 1

Welcome to Day 1 of the $SBD Survival Challenge!

If you signed up in the comments on this post you are in the competition. I was unable to get everyones names down to post here, but rest assured if you signed up, you are in the game! I am compiling the names now, there was an internet outage here so I wanted to get Day 1 challenge out in time for you guys :)

UPDATE: See my comment below for list of participants. If you signed up in time and are not on the list please let me know in the comments. Thank you for your patience :)

I will have everyone's names listed on tomorrows post.

The storm of the century has hit. Record amounts of snow and freezing temperatures cause havoc across the nation. You will be in this storm trying to survive.

Each day for 6 days I will present a survival scenario. You will have three choices. Comment with your choice. One of the choices is the best for survival in the current scenario. The next day you will see if your choice was the correct one and be presented with the next days scenario.

Even if you die in the game you may still participate and learn valuable survival skills as well as receive a portion of the winnings.

Day 1

The temperature was dropping faster than you could turn up the knob on the furnace. “Damn, how’d it get cold so fast?” You ask your dog, who is sitting loyally by your side with inquisitive eyes. The monotonous drone of a money show babbles like a brook in the background- the kind you forget is there until you focus.

The weather channel had forewarned of the impending snow storm, and had said the temperatures were going to drop, but you hadn’t expected this much. It was only 3 in the afternoon and nearing low teens rapidly. Very strange for this time of year.

Your roommate isn’t expected to be home for three more hours and it’s your night to cook. But after a few moments of watching the snow flurries that were already ankle high, you decide to cook now. Better safe than sorry in case of a power outage.

You decide on a couple of thick steaks, baked potatoes and sautéed vegetables, a good, hearty meal to help stay warm.

You mentally note the emergency supplies while you cook- candles, matches, flashlights, can opener. You hurry and throw the laundry in the dryer. “Cool! More heat!” You exclaim to ever present Dog.

The Emergency Broadcast alarm blares from the living room. SEVERE WINTER STORM. TAKE SHELTER IN HOME.

Oh this is bad. You’ve never heard the Emergency Alert with a real warning, only the tests. You text your roommate, wondering why you haven’t received a reply in several hours.

You cover your roomie's plate and store it in the microwave then sit down to enjoy yours while it’s hot.

The lights flicker as you take your first bite.

The power blinks off during your third.

You finish your meal to the sound of the wind assaulting your house.

You have done the smart thing and huddled down at home. The storm is bad. It is becoming colder inside with each passing hour.

What do you do?

1 Move the food in your fridge and freezer outside in the snow before it spoils

2 Seal off and stay in one room to conserve heat

3 Use your outdoor grill to cook food inside for warmth and before it spoils

I will put the three choices in the comments. Place your choice in the corresponding comment. There is one choice that is best for survival.

In 24 hours I will post the challenge for Day 2 as well as the answer to the correct choice.

Everyone who participates is a winner! The Grand Prize winner will receive 70% of the prize pool. And all other participants will receive an equal share of 30% of the liquid SBD Prize Pool.

How to Win

Participate in each days scenario by leaving a comment with your choice. All participants who play every day will get their share of the prize pool.

Grand Prize winner will be chosen by random generator from the participants who played each day and made the correct survival decisions at every stage.

Prize pool is my donation of $30 plus the liquid SBD from the introductory post plus any generous donations :) @arbitrarykitten/usd30-sbd-giveaway

Good Luck!

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