🌱 Beginner's Guide : Participate in an Art Contest


More and more people join Steemit and discover the huuuuge variety of creative initiatives on this great platform. One type of initiative are the ART CONTESTS.

This article aims to explain the big principles on how such an Art Contest usually works.
And guess what :


1° Choose the contest


Steemit has a huge offer of Art Contests. Here some sources to check out for finding art contests:
🔴 the tag #contest on Steemit (all contests)
🔴 follow me @becometheartist (weekly compilation of traditional art contests, published every Monday)
🔴 Contests room in the PAL DISCORD
🔴 Contests room in the STEEM-ART DISCORD

2° Read the instructions of the contest


Open the contest announcement post of the contest that interests you. The contest host explains the rules which you need to follow.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ The following steps can vary from contest to contest ⚠️⚠️⚠️

3° Create your artwork and take pictures during the realization


Most contests require that you create a new artwork inspired by the contest, not published before, original and belonging to YOU (not taken from the internet).
Usually to proof that it's new work, you are required to provide a few pictures of the process during the realization.

4° Create a Steemit article as your contest entry


Create an article using the pictures you made and include also the link to the contest announcement post. Some contests might require as well to write some explanations or a story related to your artwork. Often you need also to add a specific tag to your post and/or to incude the contest name in the title. (So I repeat, it's very important to read the contest rules of the specific contest)

5° Post the link to your new post in the comments section of the contest announcement post


This is often required in order to facilitate the contest host to easily find your entry, but if it's part of the requirements, you have to post this comment, otherwise you ight be exclused (I talk from experience, where I forgot it, and my entry was not retained ☹️)

6° Resteem and Upvote the contest announcement post


Not all contests require you to resteem and upvote the announcement posts, but if it's the case, you need to do it, otherwise your entry will not be accepted. Even if it's not mandatory, you can always show your support to the contest host by upvoting/resteeming.

7° Cross your fingers and discover other artists' work


Now wait until the closure of the contest and cross your fingers! Not every contest has a clear end date/time. In that case the contest stops often 7 days after the contest announcement post was published.
You are encouraged to also have a look at what the other contest participants produced (and encourage them with commenting, upvoting, resteeming). This makes you also discover other artists and new techniques!

8° The winner selection


In the contest announcement post, the host explains the selection criteria. Most of the time it's the host's own appreciation, but it can also be selected by a jury he selected, or trough voting by Steemers. (and yes ... read the announcement post, I can't repeat it often enough )
About how many winners will be chosen, there are different practices. Some contests will have 1 winner, but others can also choose a runner up, or top 3, top 5, ...

9° The winner announcement


Usually the contest host writes an article announcing the winner(s), so make sure you follow the contest host, so that you see the article appearing in your feed.

10° Get the reward


Most contests' rewards are in STEEM or SBD. The contest host will make the transfer of the indicated amount to you if you are amongst the lucky winners. Some contests also reward all the participants, or reward with other means such as SP delegations or whaleshares for example.

I hope this clarified to you a typical course of an art contest and gave you some confidence for joining!

Here the direct link to my current contest compilation for traditional art contests :

Unleash your creativity 05/03-11/03 ! List of ongoing drawing, painting and crafts contests


Feel free to share your questions or feedback in the comments or on Discord !

Take care and share!

Take a tour on my blog to discover my art tutorials!


I Invite you also to discover my service offering in the STEEM FREELANCERS GUILD ⬇️

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