Steam key Giveaway (Surgeon simulator)

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This time the game up for grabs is Surgeon Simulator (2013). The Steam page is here.

Surgeon Simulator is a hilarious frustrating game! It's a fun game to play by yourself, but it really shines in a group of friends.

You play as the disembodied hand and arm of a surgeon. The problem is you have no idea what to do, and most hilariously, you are superbly uncoordinated as the controls are quite complex. This leads to even simple tasks being a disaster of monumental proportions! Then you are supposed to do surgery...


Anyway, the rules for entering are the same as always. Comment and upvote. Engage me in conversation, about the game or just stuff in general. At the reward payout I will choose a winner based on the conversations. Resteem if you want, it helps, but is no mandatory.


  1. Prize is a Steam key via Humble Bundle gift link.
  2. Entry is by upvote and comment (resteem is not necessary, but highly appreciated!)
  3. Winner is at my discretion {at post payout), generally the one that I think will like it best, and that has had the most pleasant and engaging interaction.

If you are interested, there is time left on my previous contest for The Sexy Brutale (don't let the name of you off, it is a good game!) :here



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