🎯 Contest #6 Winner is @tickledpink! 📈 50/50 Cryptocurrency Prediction Contest #8 - STEEM

So There You Have it @tickledpink is the Winner!

With a Final SBD Post Reward of 13.071 SBD 50% OR (6.53 SBD) + 3.18 SBD carried over: 9.71 SBD will be awarded to @tickledpink, congratulations!

$1.23 USD

The Final Price of STEEM At Conclusion Of The Contest

$1.23 USD

@tickledpink's final guess was a dead bullseye 🎯 perfect prediction!

Let's Do It Again!

Let's Get The Reward Higher This Time!


Will Continue With STEEM!

With a current price of... I'll let @steemprice handle that one 😉. The bot will respond with the current price up to the minute!

Contest Rules

Make a Prediction by Commenting on This Post
12:00 AM EST (4:00 AM UTC) July 30th
All Predictions Must Be In Before This Date & Time

$X.XXX USD (24 HOUR % Change)

Entires Must Be In This Format (IMPORANT make a prediction on the 24 HOUR % Change as well which will be used in the case of a tie)

One Prediction Per Username

Will take your final prediction up to the the deadline.


Will Be Obtained Via Coin Market Cap

Winner Will Be Closest Price Without Going Over

In the case of a tie the closest in either direction of the 24 Hour % Change will determine the winner.

7 Day Trend STEEM

Screen Shot 2017-07-26 at 9.30.12 AM.png

Good Luck 😉

Remember To Vote blueorgy for witness!

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