Weekly Art Contest : Soft Launch


Did someone order Shrimp?

We apologise


If you have found this post because you were previously on our original logo post, I'm sorry to tell you that we have retracted the contest due to low numbers.

There was an interest in the contest by a variety of people, but because of the non-existent entries, we've decided to pull the contest. I have had various messages on Discord from people wanting to create the logo but they didn't feel like they'd have enough time to complete this. If you are still interested in creating the logo, please send me a message on Discord, my username is @calumam.

If you have already been working on the logo and you have a somewhat finished piece, get in touch and I will be rewarding you for your efforts as a gesture of good faith (if you didn't leave a comment on the last contest post before the time of this post, I will not reply).

Weekly art contest?


The logo needs to be right and I think those of you who have been in touch about designing it all realize that. Like I said above, please get in contact if you are still interested.

Instead of rolling on the contest for another week, I'm going to take this opportunity to have a soft launch of the weekly art contest.

If you have read the previous logo contest post, you will know that our weekly art contest is going to be based on the various fish roles we have in the server. Each week will have a different role for you to do.


source - photo by varun maharaj

The roles are as follows:

Shrimp, Tetra, Guppy, Tadpole, Frog, Gourami, Mormyrid, Swordfish, and Catfish

This contest is to help get more artists involved in our community and to give them the opportunity to improve their artwork with the support of the BuddyUP ensemble. We will also be featuring their weekly creations in our community posts. Hopefully, this will give them a bit more exposure and can help direct more people to their blog.

Any amounts of shrimps


We are going to start off our contest with the Shrimp role from our community. Our shrimp are the lowest rank; which is allocated to anybody who is inactive for a certain period of time.

As well as the standard shrimp, we also have the Supporter Shrimp. This role is for the members of the BuddyUP community who support us, but are involved in various other communities; leading to less activity and more time away from the server. The Supporter Shrimp differs from the standard Shrimp because they get more permissions for the server. They also receive a gold name to show that they are there, they just have varying priorities.


source - photo by piaky

This soft launch of the art contest is going to give you the chance to slide on into BuddyUP and grab yourself a free membership.

To enter this contest all you have to do is come up with some artwork for the Shrimp roles. You can use any media you want (the more creative the better) and you can enter by dropping a comment with a link to your file in https://postimages.org/. We are using postimages to reduce the likelihood of somebody dropping a malicious link to an image sharing site.

Once you've entered, I'll drop a reply on your comment to the BuddyUP SafeLink and when you join the community, you'll receive free membership to the server.

Podium finish


This is going to be a little different. Since this is the soft launch of the weekly contest, we are going to need some judges for the official weekly competition...

If you place in the top 3 within the competition, you will be given the opportunity to judge the weekly art contest. We will be looking for 2 judges and if any (or all) decline, we will continue down the list. As well as the chance to be a judge for the contest, you will also receive an SBD reward based on your podium finish.

1st Place2SBD
2nd Place1SBD
3rd Place0.5SBD

All entries to the competition will receive - 0.1SBD

Get creative


Well, what do you think? You can grab yourself free entry into BuddyUP and a guaranteed SBD reward. All you have to do is draw a Shrimp...

Before we use any artwork in our community posts, we will ask the artist to license their image under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) and credit themselves. We will highlight the license it is under and we will share a link to the creator's blog, always.

The official launch of the Weekly Art Contest is on the 8th of April and we will be asking for artwork based on the Tetra role. If you want a head start, this is your heads up.

I hope you can get involved with the contest and have fun with it. I will be getting a drawing done myself (been a while since I flexed that creative muscle!) and I hope to see entries from the members over in BuddyUP too! The contest will finish on the 4th of April and I will announce the winners in the first Weekly Art contest post.

Keep it real and have fun with it, I'm looking forward to seeing your entries!

We all grow together


This has been @calumam, thanks you for reading.

Here is the BuddyUP SafeLink

All headers are from Unsplash.com, other images are credited directly.

top image:source - photo by piaky

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