Bunnypuncherwants to hear about your vacations ... and win SBD in the process!!


I've been away on a vacation for the last week hence the reason for lack of posts from me. Mrs Bunnypuncher and I went to Las Vegas to check it out and see the sights. We had a great time and what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so they say so I won't go into too much detail. But my trip gave me a contest idea to hear about your trips and vacations.



#1) Leave a comment with a trip you went on where you had a great time. Could be a local trip, nearby city / village, or far away land.

I want you to resteemed this to spread the word. I'd be appreciative but won't make it a rule. I don't want to disqualify new people or people that forget. Please follow me so you can see the results of the contests.

Lastly, it is your upvotes that will make the contests happen and grow in size if you want bigger prizes and more contests then upvoting posts from BunnyPuncher will make that happen.


Contests payouts:

The payout will be as follows for this contest.
1st place - $10 SBD
2nd place - $5 SBD
3rd place - $2.5 SBD
Cut off time for entry will be: Sunday 22th 11:59pm.
At which time I'll pull the list of names after which entries won’t be added.

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