It's just another Mediocre Monday... contest!

mediocre monday

It's just another Mediocre Monday

Greetings, Beautiful Steemians!

This is the beginnings of a contest of sorts. One in which you need not talent or skill, but only heartπŸ’—.

I'm sure you've noticed the contest tag to the right of your feed. If not- check it out now! For real. It's super fun!πŸ’―

If you have popped over there, I'm sure you've noticed things like, Steemit Open Mic, Color Challenge (for the photographers out there) & Steemit's Got Talent.

You may even give an upvote and a comment of support.

But have you entered?

Why not?

Are you learning? And kinda suck still? 😏

Or have you entered, but never won?πŸ˜’

Don't worry. We all started somewhere... and sometimes we just stay there too. πŸ™ƒ

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This contest is for all those folks that still kinda suck ... at whatever they happen to be working on at the moment.

It's for everyone that will probably get better, but for now, definitely wouldn't win a contest.

It's for people who are happy in their mediocreness (that's definitely a wordπŸ€“).

It's for people who know they are mediocre and getting better (or not), but are still a little proud (don't worry, that's okay too😘 ) and want to share their (probably boring) journey with the world.

Does this sound like you? memoji question.png

Have you been spending a few extra seconds singing and playing ukulele, but not really enough to be ... good? (Oh, wait! That's me.😏)

Or have you JUST starting drawing with pastels and it often turns out a hot mess, but you want to show someone?

Or do you write poetry that's almost there, but could be better, if only you got some feedback?

We are our harshest critics. And I get it. Me too.*

So let's have a place where we can share what we love doing, even if we're not the best.

What matters is that we love it, right?

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General rules and info:

  • Posts will be made on Monday mornings (Central Standard Time, USA).
  • Winner will be chosen at random on Sunday morning, 10am Central Standard Time, USA. All entries must be in by this time.
  • Winner will be announced on the new Mediocre Monday post on Monday morning (Central Standard Time).
  • Prize: 3 SD + 33% of the Author rewards from this post.
  • Your number is assigned as you come in and a random generator site is used to determine the Mediocre Monday winner.

To enter:

  • Upvote this post (Resteeming is optional, but will potentially increase your prize pool.)
  • Comment below with whatever TALENT, SKILL, HOBBY, ETC. that you are currently working on. It can be a link to a post, video, picture or text.
  • You can enter more than once, but only original entries each time.
  • Wait excitedly to see if you are the most mediocre!

That's it. πŸ˜€

I'm really hoping this can be a place to come share whatever you're working on... even if it's not yet a prize-winner... but you could still win a prize!

How cool is that? 😎

We can get support from others and see the mini journeys we all conquer to get to the goal.

Side note: I'm working on getting Miss Morgan Merriweather to host a little Mediocre Monday news show (Mediocre Monday with Morgan Merriweather) with the winners each week and maybe hit on a few mediocre stories happening around the globe.

Morgan's a little nervous and I'm just not well-practiced yet. 😏

Oh! Full disclosure: Morgan is a puppet that my husband and I made. We've made a few (well, mostly him). Here she is last night before AND after I did major reconstructive surgery on her face. She's feeling MUCH better and was excited to call her friends and tell them about it!😁

With her old face, just as I started to slice in...😲
morgan cut one.jpg

After a new mouth has been added, prior to removing some extra padding (don't we all wish it was this easy?).
morgan cut two.jpg

And finally, all fixed up with a new mouth (plus lips!) and new blue eyes!
morgan done.jpg

Yup, she was calling her friends on a old school flip phone.

What do you think? Puppet news host? Too weird? Or just right?

To be honest, I'm going to need a LOT more wrist action practice. It's a lot of work, moving someone else's mouth! πŸ˜†

Back to Mediocre Monday

To start us off (though I'm not in the contest) here's me... singing with Norma Jean (my ukulele). We're not that good (who am I kidding? She's great!), but we sure do have fun playing. Disregard my hilarious (inconsistent) strum pattern (it's the only one I know) and my occasional (or often) pitchiness (also a word) or just lack of... how do you say?... joie de viΒ·vre. Nope... that's there. πŸ˜„

Enjoy. πŸ˜ƒ I do.

Somewhere deep inside it's like I want someone to watch. So thank you for that. 😍


Indeed. 😡 Join me!

As always, thanks for stopping by!

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