Traffic Controls

The following is a short story in response to the flash writing contest posted by @aschatria.

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Kurt stared at the white headlights of oncoming traffic and tracked a bus as it whizzed by. The dazzle of lights changed to red. Perhaps twenty cars ahead of the bus, he spotted the brighter red of a vehicle's brake lights. Not half a second later, the following car also braked. This spawned a wave flowing backwards, sure to reach the bus in a handful of seconds.

Kurt was pleased to see the bus leave ample space between itself and the next vehicle. Judging by the moderate moving speed of traffic, he estimated the gap ahead of the bus might prove sufficient to neutralize the approaching slow-down. Clever bus driver, thought Kurt, they know they have the power to change the entire flow behind them.

But the bus did not maintain it's distance. It fell victim to the wave, like all the others. In the end, though Kurt, another sheep.

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