Daily Drawing Challenge #4 / Get 50% of rewards for this post


What’s up, world?

I was away for last couple of days and was unable to announce new challenge and the winner of the previous one. I will announce the winner of Daily Drawing Challenge #3 in the next post and now it’s time for Daily Drawing Challenge #4!


This time I suggest you to draw a curvy body, not necessarily naked. You are free to use any medium. Digital pieces are accepted too.

The winner takes it all

I am giving away half of the payout for this post no matter how much this post earns to only one person whose work I choose.

All submitted entries will be featured in my future posts.


– the picture is drawn by you and you are publishing it for the first time specially for this challenge;

– use the tag “cookiedrawing” (not necessarily first);

– upvote this post;

– resteem this post;

– post your entry in the comment section to this post (I will not take into consideration entries that are not posted in the comment section). 

You have a week for submitting your entries till the payout day.

Ready? Set. Go!

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