Marijuana: That ~Damn~ Plant! - A Limerick

“Marijuana... That's not a drug, that's a plant.”
– Arnold Schwarzenegger –

The War on What?

About that weed...

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The health-giving weed that GOD made...
Image courtesy of CMElixirs and

As a voluntaryist,

I take a principled stand for the liberty of the individual to choose his own course in life, provided he harms no other. This of course includes the right to use anything that, in his own final judgement, is beneficial to his health and well-being, and that of his family.

As a Christian,

I am appalled at the very idea, and even more so at the acceptance of the idea, that human government has any authority to declare a God-created, God-given plant "illegal."

What utter nonsense!

Observing that ongoing struggle, here is a limerick I wrote:

Marijuana: That Damn Plant!

~A Limerick~
by Duncan Cary Palmer

God created a health-giving weed
that makes Pfizer and Merck profits bleed!
The've tried hard to smash it
with their DEA hatchet,
But the damn thing keeps going to seed!

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The health-giving weed that GOD made...
Image courtesy of Rex Medlen and

As always,

God has the last laugh.

With thanks, and a tip of the hat to @lymmerik for the challenge to write this.

Friend, you had me at "Limerick." ;)


For more Limericks (and other poetry), please visit our Library Poetry Shelf - Just CLICK the shelf below.

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