Desi and SEA Book Review Contest Extended

I have received 0 entries in my Desi and SEA Book Review contest. Zero. Zilch. I know SBD is down, but 10 of them still aren't bad!

So instead of wringing my hands, I'm going to choose optimism. That's right, Steemit/Busy people: I still believe in you! You can still do the thing! One review did come in between the deadline and the time of this post, and will be counted.

Let's repeat the names of some recommended authors who are relevant to this contest:

  • Aliette de Bodard
  • Zen Cho
  • JY Yang
  • Yoon Ha Lee
  • Marjorie Liu (including her comics)
  • Jeannette Ng
  • Vina Jie-Min Prasad
  • Fonda Lee
  • Ken Liu
  • John Chu
  • Wesley Chu
  • Joyce Chng
  • S. Qiouyi Lu
  • Alyssa Wong
  • Isabel Yap
  • S.B. Divya
  • Vandana Singh
  • Hao Jingfang
  • Malinda Lo
  • Cassandra Khaw
  • Hiromi Goto.

The Rules Still Apply

  • The review must be in a post on the Steem blockchain, and must include a link to the book/story. Goodreads or any online store, or a reading link if available for short fiction.
  • The book or story must no older than 2010.
  • The book or story must be science fiction or fantasy, though I support a broad definition of those.
  • It must be a book or story you liked or loved. Not here for fiction hate.
  • Can be either YA or for adults.
  • You have one week from this post to post the review.
  • You have to comment on this post with a link to the review.
  • The author must be Desi (from the Indian subcontinent) or South East Asian or of Desi or South East Asian descent.


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