WOC and Trans Author Book Review Contest

So, earlier today, we wrapped up the book review contest. I got some lovely reviews, and was very happy with the winner. But one thing bothered me. While the contest submissions included book by men of color and by women, there wasn't a single work by a woman of color. There wasn't a single work by a trans or non binary person.

Photo by Stefan Steinbauer on Unsplash

If this had happened 15 years ago, I would have shrugged. But I specified books from this decade, and this decade in SFF has seen tremendous work by women of color and trans people (including trans people of color). N.K. Jemisin, Sofia Samatar, Aliette de Bodard, Zen Cho, JY Yang, Rivers Solomon, Nnedi Okorafor, Charlie Jane Anders, Yoon Ha Lee, Karen Lord, Marjorie Liu, Alex Wells, Bogi Takács, A. Merc Rustad, Jeannette Ng, Amal El-Mohtar, Vina Jie-Min Prasad, Fonda Lee, and many others aren't just a part of science fiction and fantasy now, they're doing some of the very best work out there.

So this contest is going to be about them. And since I expect some of you may need the time to pick up and read one of these authors, this is a two week contest. Also, I am now allowing short fiction, in an attempt to make things easier.

If you list 5 works you like in the comments , I will recommend a specific work by an author who is a woman of color, a trans person, or both. But feel absolutely free to pick up a book or story of your choosing, as long as they fit the contest rules.

The contest prize will, once again, be 10 SBD. With 5 SBD possibly going to a strong second place.

The Rules

  • The review must be in a post on the Steem blockchain, and must include a link to the book. Goodreads or any online store.
  • The book must no older than 2010.
  • The book must be science fiction or fantasy, though I support a broad definition of those.
  • It must be a book you liked or loved. Not here for book hate.
  • Can be either YA or for adults.
  • You have two weeks to post the review.
  • You have to comment on this post with a link to the review.
  • The author must be a woman of color, a trans person, or both.

Let's do this!

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1 column