Contest: Draw me an Avatar! My Entry

I keep meaning to do contests and always seem to merely forget. However part of my "art resolutions" for 2018 was to try to do at least some of the contests/challenges that come up on Steemit. Therefore here you go @techslut here is my entry.


I see already I have not paid attention, as you asked for a full body, not just a head. In my defense, though I was looking at your facebook photos and saw you wearing an awesome unicorn shirt. I love animals, real or imagined, and almost all of my artwork contains them. I figured, if I am going to do this challenge I should use an animal as it is 'me' and I thought how wonderful a unicorn would look with your lovely pink hair. And I did include the coffee and glasses!

I hope you like it. And if others want to compete I believe there are a few days left. You just go to this post here.

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