DARE TO REPLY... Contest#4 |πŸ† Prize Pool 2+ SBD πŸ† + Winners of Contest #3

Ohhh... Man! How much do we love to give honest brutal & sarcastic reply. There no bigger victory than shutting the mouth of your opponent. And strong rebuttal doesn't discriminate between friends and foes.

If you think that you are one of those honest, brutal & witty guy who doesn't fear to speak his or her mind without any prejudice

Then, I dare you to reply...!

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It is most exciting and simplest CONTEST!

You have to give a bold & fittest reply to a statement in one sentence only. Then RESTEEM and UPVOTE this post. That' all.


πŸ†πŸ† RESULT of CONTEST #3πŸ†πŸ†

I got few great replies to β€œHumanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.”
- Adolf Hitler

It's Time for WINNERS!


@vdux - Winner - "Go back into your bunker and shoot yourself -- again."

@ecoinstant - Runner-UP -"I can see why you feel that way, Mr. Hitler, having to be around humans like yourself all day!"

@alkhemst - Runner-UP - "Pesky humanitarians... always getting in the way of a good old fashioned mass world genocide marketing campaign. Such doubters!"
Entries from @lavanyalakshman @skycae @markaparre @tanefendi @iluvmycielo are also very interesting. Also cheers for @hazem91 for participating for fun only. @order4adwriter and @pujamedhi; your replies were considered for winner and runner-up in order but unfortunately you didn't comply all the rules. So please comply the only 3 rules to win the contest.
Thank you @tanefendi (Winner DTR#2) for your help to select Winners.

Thank you all contestants for participating.

To Visit Contest#3 click here.



Contest#4 || STATEMENT

β€œThe entire United States is within range of our nuclear weapon; a nuclear button is always on my desk. This is reality, not a threat.”

- Kim Jong-un (supreme leader of North Korea)

CONTEXT : September 2017, On North Korea's missile range



  • UPVOTE & RESTEEM this post.
  • Give reply to above statement in one sentence only. And yes! abusive words are allowed as long as you are not disrespecting the personality who has said the above statement.


  • 1 entry is allowed from an account.
  • The WINNERS will be selected by @dpatcher on the basis of witty but fittest reply.
  • To select next Winners, I want to invite last time winner @vdux to select top 5 fittest reply after the completion of Contests #4.
  • Contest will be open for 3 days only. I will not accept entry after 5PM EST (Eastern Standard Time) on 7th February 2018.

πŸ† πŸ† Prize pool may be increased or extra bonuses or giveaways will be distributed to the contestants, if post earns decent reward. So please UPVOTE, RESTEEM and spread the word.πŸ†πŸ†

Love from-

The Patcher (@dpatcher)

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