Top Secret Homeschooling Activity. Level: Classified

The fact that I'm even writing a post about this is a borderline offense.  Are you familiar with Fight Club rules?

Rule number 1 and 2 apply to this project.

But here is what supercedes Rules #1 and #2  (but just barely)

Homeschool mom pride.



So - I will continue to tell you the BASICS of this project, but you are all pretty much on a "need to know" basis.  I'm sorry.  But that's the confidentiality pact I have agreed to, and I'm sticking to it!

Before I get to the project - let me just preface it with a few more words.

We live in a very rural area.  So rural, it takes us 90 minutes to get to the grocery store.  

On the plus side, we have a pretty amazing community surrounding us.  It reminds you of one of those Hallmark movies.  On Christmas Eve, there was a knock at the door.  I opened it to 4 rosy-cheeked faces wrapped in plaid scarves, singing, "We wish you a merry Christmas" and handing us a plate of homemade almond brittle. 



That's the kind of amazing I'm talking about.

Our kids get along with every other child in our neighborhood, and because they are all kindred spirits - they started Project OurTown.  Of course it's not really called OurTown!  "need to know", remember?

You have no idea how badly I wanted to post pictures of Project OurTown - but my daughter flat out refused.  (sigh)

Family A, B, C, and D have 15 children in total.  Seven of them created Project OurTown.

Family A has access to some land, and the children of Family A sectioned off plots to be "purchased" by children of Family B,C, and D.

Each child who decides to take up "residence" in Project OurTown will buy the land from the "government".  OurTown has a currency made of pieces of metal, hammered flat. There are two types of coins and each resident of OurTown receives the same amount of currency upon moving in.  They select a plot of land (each plot has different value based on location, size, and topographical features) and begin to clear the land.  They may hire others to help, or they can do the work themselves.  They cut trees, break down pallets, reuse materials that they find, and generally become amazing at repurposing all sorts of material!  If they have outside (real world) jobs, they might buy some things from the store and "sell" to their neighbor or barter for some services.  Today, they built a massive stage for holding talent competitions.  Tomorrow, there is an election happening.  The townspeople have been asking my daughter to consider becoming mayor.  (Excuse me while I wipe away a tear!!!)  


Here's the thing!  As homeschool parents, we are always.... ALWAYS striving to have life create lessons, and hope that lessons apply to life.  Parents can come up with the greatest ideas, but we can't always sell our children on them!   

They fully embrace this idea because IT WAS CREATED BY THEM.  And the applications are absolutely ENDLESS.  Economics, politics, government, marketing, mathematics, engineering, wood working, social skills, teamwork, ingenuity, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership skills... and I'm sure you can probably come up with a bunch more!   I WISH I could claim this idea - because it's absolutely brilliant.  I can't claim it as my own  - but I can do one better.

I CAN CLAIM THE CHILDREN!!!  Is that not the pinnacle of every homeschool parent's aspirations?  That we give our children the tools to plan, think, and do!  I love that they aren't rushing to get their school done quickly so that they can play video games or watch TV.  They're filling their afternoons with being outside: building, dreaming, and exhausting themselves on fresh air, dirt, hard work and fraternity!  I have never been so happy to buy new jeans for my kids! hahahaha

As far as the age group and the materials needed for this project - it can be customized to any age group, really.  This particular project has children ranging from age 7 to 15.  The materials they used are based on their skill and age.  I wouldn't be handing a saw to a 6 year old!  But a 6 year old might want to use large cardboard boxes for their house.  Whatever tools they do use, I would highly suggest that a parent is on-site, just in case!  

I so wish that at some point, I can take a picture of this Project OurTown and post a follow up.  If not, I will totally respect their privacy and their protection of their little world!  Then, I will just hope that you can peek into your own little Project OurTown in your neighborhood and be amazed at what creativity lives inside these kids of ours! 

Happy to be among you!  Love that we're all impacting our children by investing our time and energy in their lives!   

This post is part of @pennsif 's homeschool activity contest listed here: Go check it out!!!!

The original post has been resteemed by me!!! and if any of you are homeschool parents - you should DEFINITELY enter the contest and share a great learning activity that you plan on doing - or have done successfully in the past!!! :)   Hope to see your entries there and meet some more kindred spirits :)    

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