'MY BIG GREY DOG' 5 SBD Flash Writing Contest - Die Hard Steem in co-operation with Isle of Write

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MY BIG GREY DOG by @eyedreemit

‘This will save us fifty bucks,’ he said. ‘I always sleep on the red-eye and wake up feeling rested,’ he said. ‘And you’re only crossing two time zones,’ he said.

Months later as I packed for my trip to Toronto from the West Coast and reviewed my itinerary, I noted a flight change in the middle of the night, including a two hour layover. So much for feeling refreshed upon arrival.

To make things worse, the second leg took me from New Jersey to Buffalo, NY, in the wee hours of the morning. I was then to make my way to the bus station to complete my travel. I managed to grab the last seat on a bus leaving a full two hours before my personal Big Grey Dog, at the cost of sitting directly across from the bathroom.

What kind of travel agent is my spouse? The fired kind.

Much gratitude to Die Hard Steemit https://discordapp.com/invite/KV7GYPY for the prompt and the IOWers https://discordapp.com/invite/cS2hGMD for their workshop support. Join us!

Join Die Hard Steemit and Isle of Write on Discord

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