Dungeon and Steem – Rules V.1.1.0. + Finding 1 new player and 3 backup players

Main purpose of this article is  

1. Present Patch 1.1.0.

2. Have all the Rules in one article, so I can link them to every game post for easy access.

3. Find 1 new player and 3 backup players – located at the end of the article

I will mention all the changes and incorporate them into the existing rules while highlighting them.   

Game rules

Patch V. 1.1.0.


Thanks to @anarchyhasnogods I’m able to present massive Patch. He has had some great ideas that helped me further improve the gameplay and make it more “realistic”. Here are the notes created with his help.

1. The way the game was set up in first place, people knew with whom they share their dimensions. This would lead to tracking movement of 2 guys to know, where they are and act accordingly. This was not intended since to your character, other players are just other Elves, Orcs and Humans. That is why all the dimensions have been shuffled by multiple dice rolls. No one no knows with whom he is.

2. This leads to another problem. When the characters would meet, how would I ensure that they can communicate, while not knowing with whom they speak? For that we will use an anonymous chat. I will personally contact those, who are in interaction. They will then join that chat with nicknames Elf, Orc or Human. If any player provides proof that some other player tried to get to know who is who via non-anonymous chats I will heavily penalize the contravener. http://www.disposablechat.com/ is the tool that is currently supposed to be used. If anyone knows about better tool for such a need let me know!

3. When the characters join a group witch each other, it is allowed to PM me through Steemit.chat to inform me about “Hidden plan” of their character. That stands for anything a player want to do in a party and would rather keep it a secret. I will reveal all the Hidden plan when it is safe to do so without compromising participating characters.

The rest of the patch

4. Whenever a dice will be used to decide whether something works out or not, I will mention its usage in appropriate position in the text.

5. Season 1 ONLY – Humans have very special gameplay. They first need to prepare for their mission. It would be highly unfair to reveal what kind of equipment/tools/knowledge every single player is gathering, because in following rounds other humans could just copy the previous ideas. That’s why I’m not going to reveal their preparations until the very end, when they will depart for the mission. The revelation containing all the cool stories will be made in an extra post just for Humans. (This will not be incorporated into rules)

6. Some players tried to create their story on their own like “I will use the money I have been collecting all my life.” Wrong! I’m the storyteller and you’re the character. Ask whatever you want concerning your lore, express your storytelling desires (please!), but don’t try to create the story.

7. Thanks to @felixxx players will be notified by a bot when an article will be created and 24 hours before the deadline for submitting plan.

8. Some players were relying on their main plan too much and didn’t count with the possibility that it won’t work out. It may cost you your life! You’ve been warned.

That’s it. I will send 1 SBD from the prizepool for every point that has been integrated into rules. That means 3 SBD to @anarchyhasnogods and 1 SBD to @felixxx. This is non-negotiable. They have helped me to improve the game and the prize pool is hefty anyway… It will also grow back pretty fast. 


Every parallel dimension will have one Human, Elf, and Orc in it. That means you guys can interact with each other if you manage to find yourself (note: do NOT try to interact with other player if you do not share known language!). When all dimensions finish their action plans and engagements the round ends. Maximum amount of parallel dimensions is set to 6. After all the dimensions have been locked, I will shuffle their members by multiple dice rolls, so no one knows, with whom they are. If all the dimensions will be active, I will give you all 2 DAYS to lock in the action plan. All plans are being locked through https://steemit.chat. After all plans are locked in I will have UP TO 3 DAYS to prepare all the events. Then you will have 1 DAY to finish your engagement plan (if you are not in engagement you skip this part and wait for next round) and I will have 2 DAYS to finish the round and prepare next round. In early stages it should take much less for all of us to do our parts, but the more individual storylines branch out, the more time will be needed to prepare those events (if significant part of players die out early this will not be the case but for the sake of lot of good stories I hope this will not happen). I will reveal all the plans next round, to minimize thought stealing. Whoever reaches 300 points first wins! Everyone starts at 0. Whoever reaches -50 is automatically disqualified from the game. If anyone reaches 200 points threshold in 10 or less rounds I will increase points needed to win to 400 or 500 (I want AT LEAST 15 turns to happen and have no way how to test it). If no one reaches 100 points by the end of 10th turn I will lower them to 200 or 250. As I stated above the first season of my DnS game will be something like “Open beta”. The current beta testing is helping me to adjust all the numbers in the game, but I feel like we will need to run through one whole season to really balance everything out! 


I don’t have any Steem to support the game, so I will give away half of all the generated Steem. 1/10 of generated Steem will go to last standing representative of every specie (that means 3/10 of all Steem generated). Whoever reaches amount of points needed for victory will receive additional 1/5 of the generated Steem (that means 3/10 for a winner and I sincerely hope that there will be one!). Plus thanks to @papa-pepper we will have a special jackpot in the game! Whoever makes the best plan throughout the game will win all the Steem that will be generated by his promo article! (if it would be to much i might relocate a portion to the global reward pool) 

Awarding points

Any positive minor step towards your goal, or just doing your job, will grant you 1-5 points, significant step 10-20, and a huge success will grant you 50 points. There are several milestones for every character in the game. The first representative to reach such a milestone will receive 10-50 points. If more representative reach the milestone in the same round the points will be divided. Furthermore, if I find details of your plan clever or good I will give you 1-5 points. If you act accordingly to your characters attributes I will give you 1-5 points too. But if I deem your plan discordant with physics or your characters attributes, or you will simply try to create your own story (further explained later), I will remove points according to magnitude of your culpability. Winning or losing a fight will grant you +/- points accordingly to strength of your enemy. Points received for every round will be presented at the beginning of the following round. I will only reveal the complete number, so the rest of the players do not know what specifically is or is not being rewarded (the point is to force every player to do the decisions they deem necessary, not follow a tree of “high-value-decision”). 

Character’s stats and improvement

Every character will have following attributes and abilities. Strength, Intelligence, Agility, Speed, Charismatics, Luck, Endurance, known Spells, Fighting experience and known Languages and Abilities (passive). Furthermore, everything but Luck, Intelligence and Charismatics can improve during the game. There is no experience in the game. I will decide when a character has underwent enough events of a kind to improve. The average of all stats is 10 (The max is then 20)

Communication between characters

For that we will use an anonymous chat. I will personally contact those, who are in interaction. They will then join that chat with nicknames Elf, Orc or Human. If any player provides proof that some other player tried to get to know who is who via non-anonymous chats I will heavily penalize the contravener. http://www.disposablechat.com/ is the tool that is currently supposed to be used.


Round is one day in the game time. It is formed by Action plan and Engagement. During the round player is free to do almost anything he wants (closely specified below). You are not allowed to create your own stories. I’m the storyteller and you are the character. That means that I decide whether you find something and where or whether you have been saving money all lifelong or not. The day when character eats and the following one, he has a full strength. 3rd day all the stats are halved due to starvation and 4th day character dies for the same reason. If characters fails to drink one day, his stats are halved the following one and he instantly dies in the third one. Character has to sleep every day. If he doesn’t sleep for one round stats are lowered to 2/3. If he doesn’t sleep even in the following round, the stats are lowered to 1/3 and the character can fall asleep almost at any time when he’s not in the engagement

Action plan

Action is first half of a round. During every action player can interact with everything he directly sees. Also he has an option to choose whether he wants to search nearby surroundings 3 times, surroundings 2 times, or large area once for anything he deems necessary. I recommend you to prepare a detailed action plan. The more details the higher chance of me telling you that something is not possible and giving you chance to change something still. The character can do everything that any living being is able to do (focus even on the little things!). If a fight, or a possible fight occurs, the plan is postponed and player will be presented with details in second half of a round (engagement). If he manages to live through a fight plan continues. If anything during planned action or engagement hinders the ability to finish all desired moves the plan stops at that event. Everything planned afterwards is discarded and player will be presented with what happened in next round so he can adjust accordingly (etc. you decided to travel to a place one day away by foot but you managed to break your leg), though if you feel like continuing desired plan you can do so.  


Engagement and potential engagement is the second half of the round. Whereas player’s action is plan for a whole “day”, the outcome of engagement decides, whether character will survive to see another round, or not. It’s really important to explain detailed battle plan with all the moves players wants his character to do, if you don’t want to die early. I highly recommend not to count on magic too much, since it’s not as strong as in usual fantasy worlds. 

Hidden plan

When the characters join a group witch each other, it is allowed to PM me through Steemit.chat to inform me about “Hidden plan” of their character. That stands for anything a player want to do in a party and would rather keep it a secret. I will reveal all the Hidden plan when it is safe to do so without compromising participating characters. 

Preferred form of your action plans

Keep in mind that this is the minimum information I need. Feel free to express your storytelling desires! 1. Search the place where you’re at for anything. 2. Search surroundings (explained above) for anything 3. Interact with objects you have found (create tools, bandage yourself, eat, drink, etc). 4. If you´re in interaction with a person express what it is you want from the person (saying “hello, how are you” isn´t enough). 5 Decide where you want to travel. You need to make me believe that you can make your plan work. Just saying “I go there” might be enough, but if you said “I go there avoiding main road, trying not to be seen, looking for opportunity to steal/find a mount” not only you increase chances of not being spotted, but you will also be looking for something along the way increasing your overall effectivity. If you are going forth a potential engagement, make sure to prepare basic strategy for example when following someone you could go with “as soon as I feel I was spotted I run away” or “Walking by someone with hidden dagger under my sleeve”. Do not blindly count on a success of your plan. Creating a “plan B” might save your life some day. 

Preferred form of engagement plans

Most dangerous part of the round. It’s really easy to die here. 1. Decide which weapon you’re using. If you want to use a bow and shoot from a bush at a target who is 5 meters away, if you shoot once and if you missed (not gonna happen if you are an archer… just illustration) you would want to draw a sword you would make it because the enemy would need time to find from where he’s being attacked. If you though decided to shoot twice no matter what you wouldn´t have time to draw a sword and all you could try to do is to throw your bow away and try to pull out your dagger fast.  


Thanks to @felixxx players will be notified by a bot when an article will be created and 24 hours before the deadline for submitting plan.   

Me as DM

Most of my decisions will be made by combination of how well your plan will persuade me that it will work and stats necessary for completion of such a plan. If I deem your plan/stats sufficient I will personally decide about its success and vice versa. If it will be around 50/50 to me D6 or D10 roll will decide the outcome. When a dice will be used to decide the outcome, players will be notified in appropriate part of the text. I pledge that I will be most fair in doing so and if any known user by me enters this game I will do my best not to be influenced by such a presence. In first two rounds I will be actively trying to help you and will not let you die just like that. You do not have complete knowledge of my book’s lore so if you’ll be trying to accomplish something which is in the world unreal, I will tell you.  

Additional info

Any time during the round you can ask me additional questions through https://steemit.chat. If you feel like your character knows more than I describe, don’t hesitate to ask (Do I know about any source of water nearby? Do I know anyone around here? Where is the closest village I know about?...). The later you’ll do so, the less time you’ll have to lock in your action, so don’t wait until the very end of a round with such a questions, or I might not be able to reply (but I will do my best to do so).

Thus was inscribed on a sacred stone. The whole crowd stood witness to the nascence of “Rules V. 1.1.0”. Also the proclamation stands. Adding new needed rules during a season is allowed, but re-carving the old ones can only be done under grim circumstances! Competitors will always be notified about any correction.  

New and backup players

The game doesn’t take too much time, but it takes some. Also it is not for everyone as people soon realize. We have one guy (Human) who decided to stop playing. His plan will result though on Wednesday or Thursday. It also is a first plan of his. That means if I find new player the plan can still be changed. Here I ask then… Does anyone want to participate? The prize pool is currently 150SBD+ and growing! Message me ASAP either in comments or on https://steemit.chat/ (same nickname).

Also I would like to avoid this situation in the future. That means that 2nd – 4th players to react that they want to play will be added to a queue. I will contact them immediately if another player decides to stop playing. It won’t be possible to change the already locked plans then. The result will be that the new player will take control over the character at the point where it will be at that moment.

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