200 Day Party!! Win 10+ SBD and SBI memberships!!!

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Party Time!!!!!

200 Days of the Daily Prompt!!

Win $$$$ and SBI memberships

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Can you believe it? That is a long time of writing every day. And some of you have been writing a 5-minute freewrite every single day. I know for sure that @improv has - and that is pretty impressive!!!

No matter when you joined - even if you only find out about this freewriting thing today - it is time to party!

We thought up a very special contest for you that only the super special people called freewriters can participate in!

What is it? You say. Let's begin. Open the doors. We are ready!

Are you ready for this?

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Announcing the Freewrite Selfie Contest

Yes, you read right!! We are going to host a Freewrite House Freewrite Selfie Contest.

You all know that we always have to put an extra special twist on everything, right?

Last year, @papa-pepper hosted a selfie contest which was a lot of fun!!

Now, we aren't a papa-pepper over here and the prize pool might not grow to the incredible sum it did in that contest - but one never knows, right?


Here is How it Works.

  • You have one week from today to enter the contest.
  • Starting on Monday 5/14/2018 (PDT), you post a qualifying selfie under the contest post in the Freewrite House.
  • There will be a new post every day and you have 24 hours to enter to avoid elimination.
  • The last freewriter standing will win the prize (or if there is no winner after 50 days, the prize will be split evenly among all remaining players- whichever comes first).


How do I enter?

To enter the contest, you have to post a selfie of you holding something with your username on it. Your username must be clearly readable. Here is an example.


But I don't like to show my face!!!

No problem. You can enter like this.


You can have a paper bag over your head, be Darth​ Vader, cat woman or whoever you want to be. But if you enter as an alter ego, all your selfies need to be done that way.

We will comment and confirm that you are entered.

Important!!! Only people registering like this can play!!! No entries accepted after Sunday 5/13/2018 evening PDT.

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Qualifying Selfies

This is the Freewrite Selfie Contest. Yes, you guessed it - the selfie is related to the freewrite.

Every day, you post a Selfie which has the theme of that day's prompt represented in it.

Let me explain.

Let's say the prompt is tree. For your selfie to qualify, it has to have one of the following:

  • a tree in the picture with you. I.e. my selfie above would qualify.
  • a drawing of a tree and you
  • an art piece representing a tree and you
  • any other means of your interpretation of tree.
  • if we are having a very abstract prompt, even the word written on a paper will do.

Be creative!

The selfie must be in the comments within 24 hours of the posting of the Freewrite House Contest Post (which will go up after the Daily Prompt post). You also must include the link to your freewrite with your selfie.

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Elimination Process

If you fail to post your selfie and the link to your freewrite in the 24-hour period, you will be eliminated.
Or if your selfie does not represent the prompt.
The eliminated players will be listed in next day's post.

But don't fret - there are prizes for eliminated players too.

If you have any questions, please ask!!

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The Prizes

Finally, you say!! Let's get to the good stuff!!

Beginning pot: $ 10 SBD ~ over $ 30 USD at today's value.

Every day, half of the SBD payout of the post will be added to the prize!

We gladly accept donations to make the prize bigger!!

All eliminated players will be entered into SBI membership drawings.

We will hold a drawing every 10 days until the contest is over. If we get Steem donations, we might hold drawings more frequently. If you win, your name will be removed from the list to give others a chance.

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The Daily Prompt

If you are not familiar with the Daily 5-minute Freewrite - here is what you need to do.

Go to @mariannewest profile and look for the blue graphics which looks like this.


The prompt has instructions on what to do. If you have questions, ask, after you read the introduction post as well.

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How to Post a Picture in a Comment

I found that sometimes, I can upload a picture directly to the comments - and sometimes, that doesn't seem to work. There are sites like Imgur which allow you to host pictures and share from there.
They also allow you to shrink the picture like I did with the prompt picture above.
For Steemit, you choose the Markdown link and you will have to add a ! before the link to work properly.
There are other ways to do this, ask in the comments and I am sure someone has much better ideas than we do.

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Recap of what to do.

  • Enter the contest by posting a selfie with your username under this post.
  • Write your daily freewrite.
  • Take a selfie with the prompt represented.
  • Post the selfie and the link to your freewrite under that day's contest post at the Freewrite House (here)
  • Post every day to win the pot!!


Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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