# Everyone Writes? We-All-Write! We all WIN!


Day 5

brought to you by @snook

Everyone Writes? We-All-Write! We all WIN!

Did you ever read a book and hope when you turn the page something you want to happen doesn’t? You get a bit disappointed and wish the Author had taken a story a different way? Me too!!

Let’s take a look at a Everyone Writes and break it down so everyone knows the fun that will be coming our way!

An Everyone writes starts with a single short story. Then it is up to the next person in line to take the reins and lead the story in any direction they want. That’s correct. You are in control of your part of the story. Once you have written your part of the story it’s then time for someone else to take a turn………..

“We have a question from the back of the room!” Chirpy Cherry says while bouncing up and down.

"What constitutes a part?" Too cool Muddy Tadder the V askes while eyeing up Jenny Bean.

Answer: More than a word or one sentence. Something to move the story along should be written. Cliffhangers are excellent endings for your part. Use your best judgment. We are all adults. Kind of. Well, maybe you are.

Now that we have that cleared up let’s get on to the rules of the game so you will then know all the fun that is coming your way and to come here and watch this page for when the new Everyone Writes is posted.


  1. Read this post.
  2. Read the first part of 'The Story' in this post.
  3. Look through the comments in this post for the heading: The Story~Part 2
  4. Read all parts of the story you find in the comments of this post.
  5. Open a comment box and label it: The Story~Part ? adding the next number in line for the story so we can follow the story in the correct order.
  6. Post a comment with your story comment 'The Story~ part?' so people know someone is working on the next part and to wait before they post theirs.
  7. Click on Edit comment and write your part then hit update so your part now shows.
  8. HAVE FUN.
  9. Be silly, happy, sad, etc, if inclined, when writing your part of 'The Story'. You know, be Free!
  10. HAVE FUN.
  11. There are no extra points for proper grammar or formatting.
  12. Laugh, giggle and last HAVE FUN!

Does all this sound too good to be true? Do you wonder how many people can write a story and still have it be a story? I’m here to say it works out great!!! With cooperation, love, understanding and a bit of mischief thrown in you can end up with a twenty person story that is a ton of fun to read and know you were a part of.

Here was the test pilot for this wonderful new game. We-All-Write~ Full Moon. If you don’t think it’s possible for 20 people to make a story together that is filled with so much fun and laughter please go have a read and you will see all the wonderful twists and turns each Author left on the story and made it great!

You are now all filled in on the fun coming your way. Please let us know how excited you are to be a part of the newest game coming soon your way!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Win, Win, Win!!!

Steem Basic Income
Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership: Leave us a comment
Which has something to do with this post
Is at least 50 words
We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

At 5 PM Pacific time the day after publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

9.01 PM pacific time. 3/20/2018. The contest is now closed.

Watch this space. There will be a daily chance to win for the next 10 days - and maybe longer.

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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