Flash Writing Contest - Busy city street


This is what the city looks like every night, busy, everybody hustling, you hear the horns of the vehicles, the siren of the cops, the siren of the ambulances. When you have a high view, you will love the color combination, the break lights, the full lights, the navigators and the siren, all joined together, make it look like Christmas.
What's in for everyone? Why is everyone still out this late? Just to earn a living, to make both ends meet.
For me, everyday I walk alone along the busy city street,in the busy city street, no one sees my pain, no one feels my pain, it's all man for himself. One cares about you. In the busy city street, no one sees my direness and others see my pleasantness, even though nobody has seen me.
I still love my busy street and stay loyal to it.

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