The 1111 Writing Contest - What magic can you create with only 1111 characters?! - Week 2 - 'Heaven' [TOP PRIZE 3 SBD + Runner up Prizes!! Winners from Week 1 Announced!]

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Welcome to the most 1337 writing contest on Steemit!

Hey all!!

So, as many of you know I’m new here at Steemit. Some of you may have started to ‘get to know me a little’… which is great… that’s exactly what I’m here for 😀

I love Steemit. I’ve only been here a month but, that whole time I’ve been so excited by it’s potential, and so inspired by the people I’ve found here and the content they are creating.

I’m always asking the question - ‘How can I contribute more?’…

The Inspiration.

I’m very much into numerology and feel like the Universe often chooses the time and numbers to talk to me in life, and 11:11 is one I often see.

Then it struck me.

One of my favorite parts about Steemit is all the amazing contests that people run… and so I thought...

Why not contribute to that part of the platform myself??!?


To the 1111 Writing Contest - Week 2!

Each contest will introduce a new prompt. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to take that prompt and do something with it, the only limitation being the character count - which of course - is 1111 characters in total (and this includes spaces!)

There are no rules apart from this - you must not go over 1111 characters and you can be under by a maximum of 11, making 1100 characters the minimum acceptable for an entry - and this would include any title you may give your piece if you choose to.

Apart from that, it’s totally open. You do not have to reference the prompt but it must be clear that your writing was inspired by it. It doesn’t have to rhyme or have rhythm, or be a poem, or a song, or a story… absolutely any creation based on this prompt will be counted for entry. Be creative!

However - there are things to consider.

We’re all winners here - But if you REALLY wanna win then...

I will be the judge of this contest as it begins and there will be certain things that might make me more likely to choose you as a winner.

These include -

  1. Degree of wisdom / positivity / useful knowledge / inspiration for others in the post.
  2. Any posts that are exactly 1111 characters with spaces (and include other numbers i.e. 333 words)
  3. Creativeness of approach.
  4. Level of interaction with other submissions and participants of the contest (i.e. commenting and good feedback given to others will be noticed).
  5. Feeling generated inside when I read it and relevance of any extra content that is added into the entry itself.

Do the things ya gotta do…

In order to participate -

  1. Please post your submissions in the comments of this post.
  2. Please upvote and resteem this post - the more people that get involved the higher the prizes will become. (Not necessary for entry but highly appreciated)
  3. Please follow me and stay in touch with future 1111 contests (planned to be weekly).
  4. Please tag any friends who you know like to write and would enjoy this!
  5. If you would like to put your submission into your own post that contains a link to THIS post and you win the contest - you will win 1 BONUS STEEM. There are no requirements for hash tags. [If you do this please also still post your submission into the comments here.]
  6. DEADLINE for submissions will be on Sundays, at 11:11 PM GMT. So for this first contest, please ensure your submission is with me by 11:11 PM GMT on Sunday 18th March.

The Concept of the Contest.

So when I got struck with the idea for this I instantly knew it was gonna produce gold. I feel that when people get focused on that number, 1111, that they are going to get inspired to come out with some beautiful pieces of writing - short, sharp but infinitely powerful.

And after week 1 this has proven to be true.

I also wanted to create a contest that people could enter quickly. I encourage a ‘free-writing’ style and not to think about what your writing in the moment too much - Try as much as possible to just let it flow. Editing and tweaking can always be done after to polish it! But this is not a requirement - Please write in whatever way feels best to you for you to produce the best result.

I believe in good wages - so if you win this contest and only spent let's say 11 minutes writing your 1111 characters, and you win 4 STEEM with the bonus, that equates to a wage of around £60 per hour… Not bad for having fun with a bit of writing ay! 😉

Apart from the one prompt which is just there for inspiration and a little direction, I wanted this contest to be as open as possible - so please feel free to take this on any tangents you wish. There are really no other rules to the writing aspect apart from using the prompt as some sort of inspiration or guide for your piece.

Time to take the loot!

So what's up for grabs then booty seekers?! Well, we have the following -

3 Runner Up Prizes - 0.33 SBD
1 Bonus SBD on offer - For anyone that POSTS their writing on their blog with a link to THIS CONTEST POST and then wins the competition that week.

[I have changed the prize from Steem to SBD because I didn’t realize I’d have to wait 7 days to power down - I’m still new to all this!)]


Prizes may be tweaked over the weeks as we see how this contest goes. When I can afford it, I will increase the prize amount and the number of winners to make this more exciting for people.

1111 Writing Contest WEEK 1 WINNERS ANNOUNCED!!

So! After a surprisingly active first week in terms of entries… I am please to announced the winners!

Claiming top prize and bonus prize for her beautiful piece, @breezin managed to incorporate 1111 into her writing and post in more ways than just one - Go And Read Her Post Here and see if you can see all the ways she weaved it in there. Amazing work my friend!

The runner up prizes of 0.33 SBD will go to the following three writers (in no particular order)
  1. @clayboyn for this beautiful poem that flowed just like water read HERE
  2. @megz for her powerful and inspiring poem that calls us to create the life of our dreams read HERE
  3. @baracuda for creating something a little different and using the openness of the rules to create something unique read HERE

    Special mention goes to for being the first person EVER to enter the 1111 Writing contest - I really appreciate your support my friend and I am sending you a 0.33 prize for first entry as a small token of gratitude. You can read his entry here.

    Second special mention goes to @mineopoly for his extended post and for submitting a recording with it! It was tough to choose winners and I hope you will continue contributing to this contest. Had to give you a special shout out for everything you put into it! Please go and check out his post over HERE.

    So! See below the screenshot for confirmation of payments 😃

    Screenshot 2018-03-12 11.50.45.png

    1111 WRITING CONTEST - WEEK 2 Prompt - ‘Heaven’

    So the prompt for Week 2 is - ’Heaven’

    Please use that in any way you feel to inspire or spark your writing of 1111 characters (including spaces) and let’s see what happens here!

    Each week I will write for the contest too - Here is my writing for this weeks prompt 'The Lake'-

    Golden gates sparkling.
    God waiting.
    Sins to be counted.
    Hope I'm forgiven.
    Didn't always obey the rules.
    Why couldn't I just live my life the way he'd asked.
    Now I'm approaching these gates and I wish I had a mask.
    Some sort of disguise.
    Don't want my face to be seen,
    Recognised from all the murky places I've been.
    I just want to see my queen.
    Assuming she made it in too I guess.
    So many strict rules in place she could have been rejected too I confess...
    She was a saint but still,
    Nobodies perfect.
    Keep my fingers crossed,
    and cross my toes too,
    and see what good that superstitious trick will do.
    Here I am,
    Entrance ahead.
    I turn around,
    and run instead.
    Lost in the shame that runs in my head.
    Then boom.
    All of a sudden I'm back in my bed.
    A big smile graces my face,
    As I wipe the sweat off my fore-head.
    Thank God.
    I've woken again.
    In this place - Heaven.
    I look at the time and it's
    Eleven : Eleven.
    I'm not about to be judged and condemned,
    Or told that my life wasn't good enough in the end.
    That nightmare we live makes us scared to live.
    The truth of it all is this lift is a gift.

    ^^ This piece was exactly 1111 characters with spaces, and I wrote it within 10 minutes... You got nothing to lose so I hope you will enter and give us your best shot!

    So... I THINK I have covered everything. Please help me to support this contest by upvoting, resteeming and passing the good news around… This is a really quick, fun, accessible and inspiring contest for many to enter and test their writing skills…. So help me in getting more people involved and even more tightly knitting this beautiful writing community together.

    Sending Love Always…
    In All Ways.
    Hart Floe Poet

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