The #Veganwednesday Challenge: Week 14 Starts Now! πŸ‹πŸŒπŸπŸŽπŸ‡

It’s time for #veganwednesday challenge! You can win SBD for entering your vegan post! SO EASY!

Welcome to #veganwednesday! Can you believe that we're finished week 13 already?



  • Comment on MY post YOUR ENTRY

STEP 2: (optional but beneficial!)

  • Share MY POST with your friends and have them upvote YOUR COMMENT! (Resteem not necessary!)


  • If they upvote the post, the payout increases, therefore the prize pool increases as well!


Back to basics:

  • It's simple! Everyone can enter!
  • Everyone can have a chance to win!
  • Play by the rules and put some time and effort in- show your heart a bit!



Why #veganwednesday?

If you're new here and haven't heard of our #veganwednesday challenge yet well then come on in, we're happy to have you here! There have been a few tweaks along the way so please read the rules when entering (don't worry- it's all easy and fun!)

Creating this contest for me, is a huge piece of my heart. I love food, healing and sharing inspiration and adapting my diet truly changed my life! It's wonderful to have you here, submitting pieces of your heart to me and sharing this with the world! I love it and am so happy I started this and am hoping it only continues to grow <3

My intent is to bring awareness, conversation and relationship over the concept of veganism/plant-based foods... whether or not you are vegan does not matter! You can enter anyway!



How Winning Works: Winner judges following week!

(Total Post Value After Pay Out)
35% to 1st place
25 % to a second place
15 % to third place!
Bonuses will be given when you pull at my heart strings!

PLEASE remember, if you don't put your link on this post, I may not find it! Also, now you need to include it here to have it get voted on to win! So please don't forget this part!

Also, another reminder to please mention this contest in your post!... I am wanting other vegans/plant-based/foodies/interested Steemians to be able to find where we have our fun! The word is spreading and we are growing! It makes me so happy to have this community become larger and closer each week!


Rules of the game:

I am notchyourmotha!
I'm not here to tell you what or what not to eat but my contest, my rules so your entry must be vegan/plant-based ie: nothing can come from an animal!

As my loving and open rules state- you, yourself do not need to be vegan to enter this contest but your post does have to be! That means if it's a recipe please be sure to remember that animal products are not vegan! If you need help, feel free to comment and ask me!

What day can I enter?

  • Any day of the week before post payout!
  • Winners will be announced after post pay out for the past week!
  • Post new entries on winners' announcement!

What's love got to do with it?

Please mention this contest in your post! I am trying to get a friendly community together here with similar interests so the more people who can find us, the more we can grow, the more we can learn, the more we can love! If you meet someone vegan-licious or plant-based-tastic, invite them to join in! The more the veggier!

How to participate:


  1. Post what vegan means to you! This could be anything from vegan approved recipes (no animal products) to poems, to reviews... basically I am looking for vegan related content at your discretion (must be animal friendly!)
  2. Tag it within #veganwednesday. If you do not tag it in #veganwednesday, sadly it can't count!
  3. Mention the contest in your post to promote vegan love across Steemitland!
  4. Post your entry on each week's update (this post will serve as this week's, so post your submissions here!) Share the post with your friends and have them vote on your comment to win!
  5. Only positive posts will be considered. This isn't a war for animal rights or a call out to tell people how to live! It's a loving, caring, sharing invitation to get to know each other and support our community!

I will create a post announcing the winner each week along with any deserved mentions as to help foster a strong community bond for those of us who are trying to share our messages, love and inspiration with the world!


WINNER, WINNER (No Chicken Dinner!) Total Payout $2.70 + $4 SBD added in from my account to make $6.70!

(We didn't get much on the post this week so I am donating some extra and divvying the whole of it up between the winners.)

WEEK 13: Judged by last week’s winner @mountainjewel!

1st Place= 2.70 SBD
Matcha Chocolate Cake Recipe


2nd= $2 SBD


Bonus Prize (chosen/donated by me to @skye1!) =2 SBD
You really pulled at my heart with this one @skye1) =D
What Does vegan Mean?

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry this week!

This contest is a way to bring the vegan/plant-based community together and show others what is possible through inspiration! You are all filling my heart up every week! Thank you for helping me share this knowledge and inspiration!

If you or anyone you know would like to sponsor a weekly prize, give me a shout over in Discord or, the vegan community would be mighty grateful to have some more incentive to reward our lovely authors for their time!

I encourage you all to connect with each other if you feel drawn to- let's make this group a loving, supportive, engaging community to call home!


Sending you love and gratitude for showing up here today! I LOVE #veganwednesday!

Week 14 STARTS NOW! Don't forget to post your entries here so we don't miss them!

Remember the prizes depend on the post payout so the more people that get involved with their upvote, the bigger prizes we have to give away!

I hope this challenge inspires you to consider new options in your diets and serves to help us connect to each other! Please engage with me here in the comments, on or in Discord! I am so excited to continue this initiative and can't wait to meet new friends and see your posts!



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