Your Morning Challenge! Come play a quick game that is guaranteed to better your day (or SBD back) ;)

If you're fortunate enough to be reading this before starting your day- you are perfect for this!

You, my friend, are my target.
(If it's not morning for you, you can try this tomorrow when you wake up! <3)

Together, let's change the course of your dreaded morning.

(you are the target and I just gotcha with my arrow)
We're about to play a game together.

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Aren't you excited to play this game with me?

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You had all yesterday for that... so come on grumpy! It'll be fun!
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Alright, so you're in!
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I'm stoked you decided to play along...

Are you ready for the rules?

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Well, that's easy heart-to-heart (you're thinking)

I have no rules for you on how you can go about this.

You have your own creative freedom to complete the challenge.

I want to challenge you today to...

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Share a smile! (She's smiling, Really, she is. ;) )

The world needs more happiness, more joy, more laughter.

Did you know that smiles:

  • Are contagious: people have a hard time frowning at someone who is smiling!
  • Can turn your frown upside down just by forcing yourself to smile
  • Improve your health by giving your immune system a boost due to your body's relaxed state
  • Release endorphines which in turn, leads to reduced level of stress
  • Take less muscle energy than frowns
  • Are a cross-cultural, world-recognized sign of happiness and acceptance (if you don't know the language, just smile)
  • Give your face some exercise using up to 53 muscles at a time!
  • Are innate in us, babies are born with the know how imprinted in their codes
  • Lead to better connections, people are programed to feel more positively toward someone who is smiling (so go ahead and smile a lot at your boss today ;) )
  • Are recognized really far away, up to 300 feet scientists say!

Let's all try to smile more today. Clearly it's good for our health <3

Let's smile at each other.

Let's smile at strangers, co-workers, friends, family... don't forget to smile at yourself!

I'd love it if you'd share a picture of yourself smiling today in the comments and let's see if we can #spreadsmiles together today!

Let's see how many people will play- I want to see how much affect we can have together.

Just smile- I promise you'll have a better day.

Sometimes all we need is a simple post like this to remind us that those muscles in our face can change our whole outlook on the day.

Have a great day! XOXO

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As always, encouraging you with love and heart,


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