The #JAG Contest: Introducing The Contest Everyone Should Be Talking About

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The JAG - Josh and Gray - contest is sponsored by @jo5h and @iamthegray. This is the flagship contest and there are 4 SBD for grabs. Find out more below.

Experience they say is the best teacher.

February has finally come to an end and we are certain that everyone has learnt a few lessons. These lessons are sure to help us grow as we enter the month of March. In the spirit of lessons learnt and the new month, @jo5h and I are hosting a contest - The #JAG contest.

The aim

  • To learn from others…the lessons you have learnt may be of help to another person

The Contest

Drop a 70 word (at most) comment on this post stating the lessons you have learnt in the month of February

Quite easy huh?


  • Two winners will be selected by @jo5h and me and each will receive 2sbd

  • The contest lasts until this post pays out

  • You must upvote and resteem this post

  • You must be following me and @jo5h

We hope to start receiving the entries soon.


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