Confirmed starting date for season 2 of the IFC and a new piece of artwork.

Hey again peoples!
We have a new piece of artwork and a confirmed starting date for season 2.
First I want to apologize because I said we would start by January though I just realized that I want to start on a Saturday so more people will be available and not at work or school or whatever and this is the last Saturday of the month and I'm not quite ready, so.. It's going to be February 2nd.

Exactly a week from now. Apologies again that I was lil bit off, though I'm still putting the finishing touches up on the YouTube video and also typing up the new rules and first quest of the next season. We're almost there! But it was more work than I thought it would be.

imagbvhnjbghje1.jpeg by @yeszuzia on instagram and steemit

Here's the new piece of artwork! This is a picture of @iexplore with his partner and son.
I think it's one of the coolest pics yet! Also.. I have not seen iexplore in a while.. I hope he's alright and his absence isn't anything too serious! Hopefully he shows up again eventually and isn't permanently gone for whatever reason. He helped out a lot during the first season! And was a very important part of our community.

I ended up paying a significant amount to have this piece done compared to the other pieces yeszuia did. Which reminds me.. I'm not sure how many new pieces of artwork we'll have for the next season cause.. I spent 35$ for the last 3 pieces of artwork and over 25$ on the trophy and hat and I never planned on spending a single USD on any of this.. Yet.. It became such a passionate project and so important to me and people stopped wanting payment in steem or SBD or it was just too much to spend in that form with the low value of steem, so I did what I had to do.. I guess we'll see what happens. But I can't afford to keep paying 15$ a piece for art images. I will be able to at least pay that much to get an image done of our next season winner at the end of the contest, and I already got our new castle image done.. However.. I just dunno how many other pieces I can afford unless my personal financial situation improves.

You of course are still free to pay out of your own wallet if you want to buy artwork. Yeszuzia said she is too busy with school and such to continue doing our art this season however @jimramones has stepped up and will do some.. However.. He gave me a deal at 15$ and I'm not sure if that will apply to all the images he does for the IFC or just the one I had done of the castle. He says his regular price is 35$ I think.. So.. Yeah.. Anyways.. You're always free to draw your own pics or get another artist as well if you want to, and if you can find one who does it cheaper then lemme know as well cause I'd like to get more than just 2 pictures done for the whole season.

I wanted to tag everyone who scored at least one point to let you know we are starting season 2 soon.


I'm guessing at least half of that list is inactive, yet might as well tag them anyways.
Also if you'd like to be put on our mailing list so you get notified each time a round starts send an email to with the subject "Add to IFC mailing list" and in the future you will get updates each time a new round starts or when any other news about the IFC that is important is released.

Even if this season will be around half as long with half as many quests and we don't have as much funds to get artwork and stuff, I still have a feeling it's going to be a lot of fun!
Hope to see you in around a week! :)
Thanks for your time and bye until next time! <3

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20180421_151139_0001.pngOriginal by @yeszuzia and modified by @charisma777

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