[Official Open Mic Call For Entries - #1] 50 SBD in prizes. This is the official post for the contest I've been talking about. All talents welcome.

Who remembers when @Papa-Pepper challenged us to come up with contests?

Before we even begin, here's the TL;DR

  • Put your music, comedy, storytelling, poetry, juggling or whatever performance in a comment. Upvote the performances you like.

A reminder of how this works

Below are the methods I proposed in @papa-pepper's proposals post, but rewritten both for clarity and to avoid the wrath of @cheetah.

The goal

Steemians will come together in real life to show off their talents, cheer each other on, and create good content for the platform.

The event

A venue is selected and reserved by the organizer (in this case, me, and I chose Club Red Dragon in Los Angeles) for the date and time of the event (in this case, 7/7/17 at 7pm). The organizer will do his or her very best to find Steemians who could conceivable attend the event. (I used the search function for key words like Los Angeles, Hollywood, and L.A. and similarly, tried them each as tags. I also kept scanning the "new" tab, and popping into comment threads to invite people. And I asked people I'd been talking to about other things to pass along the info if they saw an opportunity.)
The organizer would also find someone to make recordings of the performances (I asked a friend, Rachael Garcia), and then the organizer would chop up the resulting video files and send each person their own performance. (I chopped things up in Windows Movie Maker, uploaded them to Google Drive, and then sent links to their own file to each performer.)

The entering

Each performer will post a YouTube (or other Steemit compatible video) link in the comments. (One minute long videos are recommended, but not required.) As in @papa-pepper's wild and strange contest, entrants are encouraged to also make a post out of their entries, but only their comment on this post will count as their entry.

The choosing:

Depending on how many entrants there are, a narrowing down of all submissions will be made thusly: the most popular 10% (by sheer number of votes, NOT monetary value) and the organizer's personal top 10% will be our nominees. From the nominees, each prize donor (in this case only @papa-pepper so far; if you would like to be a prize donor as well, you may become one by donating 30 SBD before 7/22.) will choose a champion and vote for an honorable mention.

The prizes

Each champion will get 30 SBD.
The winner of honorable mention (by number of prize donors' votes) will get 5 SBD
The most popular (by # of votes) of the live event performers will get 5 SBD
The most popular (by # of votes) overall will get 5 SBD
The organizer will choose one performer to get 5 SBD
The prizes (except for champion/honorable mention) may stack - you could win 45 SBD

The timeline

Entries will be accepted for 6 days, give or take a few hours (7/21/17). Voting will continue until the end of the 7th day, give or take a few hours (7/22/17). Then, depending on the prize donor(s) schedule, choices will be made, winners announced, and SBD given away!

Hooray and thanks to @papa-pepper, the Steemit community, Club Red Dragon (which donated the use of their space), and Rachael (who donated her time and her camera)!

I'll point out, that while I was unable to get any already-Steemians to come to the event, many of the performers wound up creating Steemit accounts, so that's a dozen new creative Steemians!

I never ask for resteems or upvotes, but I'll make an exception this time. Please, share this opportunity with your followers. Even if you're not into it, they might be! And please be generous upvoting the performances you especially like! These folks work hard honing their craft, and we all know - art doesn't usually pay! As an added bonus for those that don't win the prizes, a nice little payout will go a long way!

ALSO: If you would like to be an organizer for this in your area, let me know in the comments! Let's keep this going!

TL;DR Put your music, comedy, storytelling, poetry, juggling or whatever performance in a comment. Upvote the performances you like.

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