New Steemit Contest - Best Steemit Post This Week - Week #1

What's The Best Steemit Post This Week?

Easy Contest. Win SBD

Step 1

  • Make A Post Titled " Best Steemit Post This Week - (Anything You Want Here) "

Step 2

  • On The First Line Of The Post Put " # What's The Best Steemit Post This Week? " (make sure to leave a space between # and the What's to make it Bold)

Step 3

  • Second Line The Title, Tag Username, and Post URL of what You think is the Best Post on Steemit that is less than 7 days old.

Step 4

  • Write a Minimum of 50 words - No Maximum of words about why you feel or think it is the Best Steemit Post.

Step 5

  • Press Enter 2 times To a New Line, Type 3 or more - in a row like this --- or -------- then Press Enter to Skip another line. It will look like this

Step 6

  • Find What You Feel Is The Best Post By @isteemithard that is less than 7 days old and Repeat Step 3 and 4

Step 7

  • Use These 2 Tags - contest beststeemitpostthisweek - and 3 you want

Done You Are Entered Into The Contest

Steemit has all sorts of great Tags, to search for some amazing posts. I enjoy reading a few of the trending posts from different Tags I'm interested in like #contest #challenge #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ico #crypto #life #discussion #travel #steemit #busy and many more. Then I go back to each one and scroll through the "new" section or /created/ I really enjoy engaging the new section because that is where the real gems are before they go hidden.

Many people may think just a dollar amount or number of Upvotes must mean that post is the best but many people also don't understand all the workings of steemit at first. Many high-payout and high Upvote posts usually have an initial high Bid Bot amount this can greatly increase how much and many upvotes are shown. So make sure to engage low payout posts as well because you may find a post with little payout and low Upvotes to be the Best.

Feel Free To Resteem Both Posts linked in Your Post

I Will Resteem The Winner and Send Them SBD.

Example Entry

What's The Best Steemit Post This Week?

The Top 25 Steem Posts! by @jerrybanfield Post URL @jerrybanfield/the-top-25-steem-posts

This Post by @jerrybanfield is by far the Best Steemit Post This Week because it helps new and old users identify what are the top 25 Steem Posts of All time. This is a great way to discover some really quality content posts for those that had not already found them. It also provides with some amazing information found in each post.

This Week I Think The Best Steemit Post by @isteemithard is his My Top 5 @isteemithard/my-top-5-steemit-post-from-2017-my2017top5
I really enjoy this post because it showcases what post are the most important to the author. The post also help users and provide great content for the steemit platform. I enjoyed 5 on the post it helps new users set up.


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