Contest: How many animals?

Here's a contest in which you must supply an awesome answer to the question of "How many animals?" Not only is it going to be fun, but you can support a great cause in the process!

The person who supplies the best answer in the comments will win 1 SBD. The rest of the proceeds of this post go to support @tarc, an organization that helps homeless animals in Central Appalachia. You can read more about the organization and the needs here.


Q: But what if I want to donate my SBD to @tarc?
A: You can! No one is stopping you. In fact, the number of animals needing food, shelter, and medicine at any given time at TARC is daunting, which means support in the form of SBD, blog post upvotes, PayPal donations or even loose change help to keep those doggies fed and cared for!

Contest rules

  1. Upvote and resteem this post in support of @tarc.
  2. Look at the Deep Dream Generator image below and write a great answer to the question "How many animals?" in the comments.
  3. Turn in your answer by midnight (Central time) June 20th, 2018.

A teensy backstory

Once upon a time, long long ago, I loved to draw. In fact, I loved everything about art. I spent quite a bit of my college career studying to become an artist and an art historian. I also loved the written word, so I self-designed a major titled "Writing and Illustration." I thought perhaps I could combine my two loves by writing and illustrating children's books.

And then reality hit. I wasn't so great as an artist. My life and career then veered off into writing (everything from technical writing to press releases, web content, blogging and article writing), and the artist in me slowly withered on the vine.

I still love color and design. Today, I'm an appreciator.

Perhaps with some tools and a bit of time, I can create some lovely art too. I'm only just starting to dabble with my new toy, Deep Dream Generator. But lookie! I made something.

Scroll down more for the images and information about the contest.


bird-2823767_960_720 (1).jpg
(Source: Pixabay image by jill111)


(Pixabay source image digitally altered with Deep Dream Generator)

How many animals do you see in the second image? How many of them are birds? What other animals do you see? (Hint: If you don't recognize them, why not give them names?)

Have fun with it! Thanks so much for reading, and for supporting this great organization.


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