[Answer and Winners] Mathematics × Programming Competition #6 [答案及得獎名單] 數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第六回)

Mathematics × Programming Competition #6
Announcement of Answer and Winners

Designed by @nicolemoker

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Given that x is a square number and p is a prime number, and they satisfy the equation x = 1000000007p + 1. Find the sum of all possible values of p.

Answer: 1000000009

Mathematical approach

Since x is a square number, we let x = n2, where n is a positive integer. Now we have

n2 = 1000000007p + 1

( n + 1 ) ( n - 1 ) = 1000000007p

It is easy to check that 1000000007 is a prime number either by writing a program or using some online tools. Therefore there are only two possibilities:

We have p = 1000000005 or 1000000009, but only 1000000009 is a prime, so our answer is 1000000009.

Programming approach

It is not quite possible to solve this problem directly by brute force programming, as the question gives a very large number 1000000007, and also asked for the sum of possible values (though there is actually only one possible value :p). However even if you are not able to think of the mathematical solution as shown above, you may still have a chance to find out the answer. Let me show you how:-

  1. You may think that there must be something special with the number 1000000007. Just use some online tools to analyze this number and you will find that it is a prime.
  2. However the number is too large! Let's try to replace the number by some smaller primes, such as 23, 29, 31, ...
  3. Write a program to search for possible values of p that fits our equation. There is no upper bound for the value of p so you can let the program run for several minutes for each case and then stops it.
  4. You should observe that the number of possible values of p in each case is either p - 2 or p + 2. Now we have found out the key without the use of mathematical skills!


Among 24 participants, there are 15 people who got the correct answers. Thank you for your participation!

@carobetc @tvb @aaronli @kitcat @philipheihei @kona @etzel @rayccy @thomaskikansha @doughtaker @armandocat @tensaix2j @victory622 @ghasemkiani @susankiani @ariak @marziehshahabi @superbing @justyy @dailyfortune @ideamaker @challk @megii @kevingau

SBD payout of the the question post = 45.638 SBD

Besides, @steemstem has generously sponsored 7.5 SP, 5 SP and 2.5 SP for the first, second and third prizes!

The winners and prizes are tabulated below:

@tvbFirst prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD + 7.5 SP
@kitcatSecond prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD + 5 SP
@etzelThird prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD + 2.5 SP
@rayccyConsolation prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@ideamakerConsolation prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@marziehshahabiConsolation prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@ghasemkianiConsolation prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@thomaskikanshaConsolation prize45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD

Congratulations to the winners!

The steemSTEM project (@steemstem) is a community-supported project aiming to increase the quality and the visibility of STEM (STEM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) articles on Steemit. Please support steemSTEM by following @steemstem and joining the chat channel. You can also consider joining a private curation trail to further support steemSTEM by asking about it in the chat channel. In order to further promote the use of the chat channel, I will stop announcing the time of next competition via a post. Instead I will announce the time in advance in the chat channel!

數學 × 程式編寫比賽 (第六回)

Designed by @nicolemoker


已知 x 為平方數,而 p 為質數,且符合公式 x = 1000000007p + 1。求 p 所有可能值之和。

答案: 1000000009


由於 x 是一個平方數,我們設 x = n 2 ,其中n為正整數。現在我們有

n 2 = 1000000007 p + 1

n + 1)(n - 1)= 1000000007 p


因此可得p = 1000000005或1000000009,但只有1000000009是質數,所以答案是1000000009。


由於此問題包含非常大的數字1000000007,並且要求找出可能值的總和(儘管實際上只有一個可能值 :p),故並不太可能通過編程來暴力解決這個問題。然而,即使你不能想到數學解決的方法,你仍然有機會找出答案的 :)

  1. 你可能會覺得1000000007這個數字必定有其獨特之處。只需使用一些在線工具來分析這個數字,你會發現它是一個質數。
  2. 但是數值太大了!我們試著用一些較小的質數來代替這個數字,比如23、29、31...
  3. 編寫一個程序來搜索符合我們公式的 p 的可能值。 p 的值沒有上限,所以你可以讓程序為每個情況運行幾分鐘,待程序似乎沒有再找到新的可能值便終止。
  4. 你應該注意到,每種情況下 p 的可能值的數量只可能是 p - 2 或 p + 2。現在我們在沒有使用任何數學技能下已發現了題目的關鍵!



@carobetc @tvb @aaronli @kitcat @philipheihei @kona @etzel @rayccy @thomaskikansha @doughtaker @armandocat @tensaix2j @victory622 @ghasemkiani @susankiani @ariak @marziehshahabi @superbing @justyy @dailyfortune @ideamaker @challk @megii @kevingau

比賽題目帖文的SBD收入 = 45.638 SBD

另外,@steemstem 慷慨贊助了7.5 SP、5 SP以及2.5 SP予是次比賽的第一、二及三等獎!


@tvb一等獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD + 7.5 SP
@kitcat二等獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD + 5 SP
@etzel三等獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD + 2.5 SP
@rayccy安慰獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@ideamaker安慰獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@marziehshahabi安慰獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@ghasemkiani安慰獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD
@thomaskikansha安慰獎45.638 / 8 = 5.704 SBD


steemSTEM(@steemstem)是一個由steemit社群支持的項目,旨在宣傳STEM(STEM是科學,技術,工程和數學的首字母縮略詞)。 請追蹤 @steemSTEM 以及加入聊天頻道來支持steemSTEM。你還可以透過加入自動點讚系統來在為了進一步支持steemSTEM,詳情請在聊天頻道內向負責人士查詢。為了推廣聊天頻道的使用,我將不再透過發文來宣布下一場比賽的時間,我會在聊天頻道中提前公佈比賽時間。

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