Title: Don't forget to remember Task #1

Let the Second Creative Writing Challenge begin!

Task #1: Tony's List

Tony is a writer. He lives not far from the local Walmart. Once, he was walking in the nearby park when he met his brother, Jack. Jack complained that he had forgotten to buy a present for his wife and that today was their anniversary. Jack asked his brother to go to Walmart and buy some food so that he could get back home to tidy the place and start preparing for his wife's arrival. He decided to cook dinner, and the only chance for him to finish on time was to delegate the shopping to his brother. The shopping list was so huge that he had nothing else to do but to create a story so that all the items were combined together and could be easily memorized.

The shopping list is:

  • Bananas

  • Tomatoes

  • White wine

  • Gone with the Wind - book

  • Greek yogurt

  • Coke

  • Oranges

A tasty bone for Charlie (the family's dog)

Your task is to help Tony create the story.

Be as creative as possible. This is a real technique for remembering stuff, called the “linking method.” The more enticing the story is, the higher the chance is for Tony to remember all the items he has to buy. Approach it as a writer and do not write something too simple. Warm up your brain cells and surprise me and the rest of the participants with something both creative and funny. It could be a narrative in past tense for example.

It would be nice if you also put a unique title to your story. Leave Tony's List as a task title only, and write your own.

The Story

"Tony, you got this brother," sighed Jack. Both hands on his hip, he swayed side to side to get the creative juices flowing. Swaying lead to jumping, and the scene got to be a bit much for Tony. "Calm down Jack! It's not that serious," said Tony as he walked to the nearest bench. With that, Jack stopped, looked right into Tony’s eyes and said, "I got it!"

Heading to the store and don't you sweat it, you won't forget it, buy the banana sir.
Banana, yes sir, and tomatoes for sure.
The next one is fine, you will be alright, just don't forget the white wine alright?
So let’s see, banana sir, tomatoes for sure, and white wine alright!
Gone with the wind, blew in the wind, whatever you do don't forget the hook. I mean the book!

“Are you keeping up Tony?” sighed Jack.

“Yeah, yeah let me recap,” said Tony.

“Don't forget the banana, sir or the tomatoes for sure. Oh yes, the white wine alright. The hook about a book called Gone with the Wind. Please tell me that's it.”

“No, Tony we got Greek yogurt, Coke, oranges, and a bone for Charlie,” Jack said while not feeling encouraged by his brother’s lack of interest.

“Yo-yo for Greek yogurt, no Coke for yoke, and nothing rhythms with oranges so just the bone for Charlie?”

“Not too shabby, Tony. Can you say it all again?” Jack asked, feeling less than confidant.

“Ugh. Yes sir, a banana, tomatoes for sure, oh yes the white wine alright, and the book without a hook called Gone with the Wind. Don't go yo-yo for Greek yogurt, no Coke for yoke, and nothing rhythms with oranges, expect forages for oranges, so just the bone for Charlie. How did I do?” said Tony.

“The worst we have ever done, it will just have to do.”

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