GREEDY GAME (Contest!) How much SBD do you want to win?

Hi guys, next round of the WORST STEEMIT CONTEST will open next week so get ready but until then you can try your luck in this new type of contest:



I’m not telling you how much you can win this time.
I picked a random number from 5 to 50 SBD. You have to guess the number, write it in the comment section and upvote/resteem this post. Your guess should also include decimals to avoid same answers. Example: "28.34 SBD"

After the payout, I will first disqualify all the contestants who were too greedy and went over my secret number. Then the user with the most acurate guess wins the main prize - exactly the same amount of SBD he/she guessed. Then I will randomly pick 3 more winners from those ungreedy contestants. Each of them will get 10% SBD payout.

So, your goal is to pick a number which you feel is high enough but not too high so you don’t get disqualified. Pick your strategy. The risk factor is up to you!


1x WINNER - Closest guess
Wins the same amount of SBD he/she guessed in a comment.
(guess cannot exceed the secret number)

3x RUNNER-UPs - Random pick
Win 10% SBD payout from this post.
(guess cannot exceed the secret number)

I wish luck to all of you greedy bastards.
I try to upvote all comments as always.

Don't forget to upvote.

(btw: Today I uploaded GREEDYWINNER.jpg image with my secret number on Anonfiles and I will give you link after payout. Just so you can see everything is fair and I can't change my mind over the secret number during the course of the game. The name of the file link contains "54ba7" for later proof.)

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