Every week I challenge multidisciplinary artists on steemit to submit their genre-bending work to the ART MIX-UP CONTEST.

I’m looking for quality art submissions that defy genres, break expectations, and contribute something new to art forms that have been around for a long time. I also look for documentation of process as “extra credit”.

To recap, here are the rules:

(1) Create a post sharing a piece of your own work (or a collaboration you played a key role in) that mixes 2 or more artistic genres! This might mean sharing a video, an image, writing, a sound clip, or something else (who knows!).

(2) Write at least 100 words describing the work and the artistic techniques at play

(3) Drop the link to your entry in the comments. This is the only way I accepted submissions!

(2) Extra credit: I’m always very interested in seeing documentation of your artistic process, and will award “extra credit” accordingly!

The winner is taking home 3sbd and 2 runner-ups are taking home 1sbd each. So, without further ado...

First place and 3sbd go to @cellosht for his amazing work: ART MIX-UP CONTEST 02 : Brown Packing Tape, Lamp, And Lighting - Acala Project

@Cellosht collaborates with a group of filmmakers in Banda Aceh, and here he takes on the project of designing a logo for them which includes his own original photography. But here’s what makes it a truly remarkable piece:

The only medium I use is brown packing tape as a paint dye replacement painter, aclyric glass as a canvas, and a knife as a brush. This tapeart is A3 size.

His process photos are fantastic--it’s really interesting to watch the layers build into this image. His creativity really impresses me, and I think he got right to the heart of this challenge.

A runner-up slot and 1sbd go to @wildempress for her stunning work: Art Mix-up Contest Submission

If you haven’t been over to check out @wildempress’s blog yet, you’re missing out! Her creativity truly knows no limits and her whimsical mind creates some of the most enchanting, multimedia photography I’ve seen on the platform. In this one, I love the layers she has built in (although you can’t read the text which she has added because its elvish--it’s wonderful to know that it is an original poem she has specifically written for this piece). As always, her work is thoughtful, detailed, and beautiful!

A runner up slot and 1sbd go to @jsf for his smart, multimedia work: Art | Visual Explorations 006

The concept behind this gif (plus the others in the post--yes there are more!) is to illustrate interference patterns using video, photo, illustrations etc...I love this exploration that makes math visual by showing the beautiful patterns that emerge! He continues these explorations in other posts throughout his blog (which is well worth following, I might add!).

And there you have it! My TOP THREE ART-MIXERS!

Be sure to check out the other worthy entries!

Art Mix-Up 02 :Coffee And Watercolors -The Eagle ~CPS #13 (Bilingual) by @huslein.slash

Roses (2018) by @jmvanbreda

Why vegans live a healthier life, or why not🌈RAINBOW BREAKFAST - How to create the next level food🌈 by @vegan.niinja


#NEW IMAGE: "Neptunian Prince Kami no ƌwatatsumi Ryujin and His Maidens" | SOL 136 by @craigahamilton

Stay tuned for details on ART MIX-UP CONTEST | 03!

(FYI, all images from Unsplash)

Check out more of my work:
I just went to prison for 5 months. Again. | 04
The State of the Art | Race and gender in American theatre.
What is Art and Who Defines It?

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