What does your Black n White photo mean to you? SBD20 prize pool up for grabs!! 分享你的黑白照背後故事可瓜分20SBD!!!

Have you taken part or currently still taking part in the 7 day Black n White photo challenge? Dying to talk more about your photo but don't want to break the rules? Now here's your chance!!!

你有沒有參加最近很熱門的 7天黑白照挑戰?是否很想跟大家分享照片的故事但又不想犯規?現在機會來了!!! (犯了規也很歡迎參加喔!)

你只要選一張曾經在挑戰中發過的照片,寫一個參賽帖子跟大家分享照片背後的故事就可以。然後請點讚和 resteem 這帖子,和把參賽帖子加到評論去。參賽帖子請加上你提名人名字,如果你勝出,他/她也有獎金!同樣,如果你提名的朋友勝出,你也有獎金啊!詳情請參考這帖子

Choose any one of your photo from the challenge and write a new post telling us what the photo means to you. Then upvote and resteem this post and add the link of your entry post to the comments section. Don't forget to include your nominator's name in your entry post. If you win, he/she wins as well. Likewise, if anyone you nominated wins, you win as well!! Check out my original post for the full details.

無論你已經完成挑戰,或是今天剛開始都非常歡迎你參加。截止日期是星期四 12月 14日,中港台星馬時間 1400。期待你們的參與! 謝謝!

It doesn't matter if you've finished your challenge already, or just started today, you can still enter. Closing date is this Thursday 14th December UTC 0600. Hope to see your entry!!!

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