Hi everyone,

Today I'm asking the Steemit community for a little help.

I've never run a Tournament or anything like this before, but figured why not put myself out there and try an experiment.

I figured it needs to be something fun and original where hopefully people don't get too uptight or upset if I mess it up as host, so if your that kind of person perhaps this isn't the right comp for you.

I really don't have any experience, even participating in a Tournament & I have limited background in modern online games, but I figure this is a really good thing, i.e. it means it's truly greenfields and having done no research myself, we can really make it something brave, new and fun - basically something no-one has ever seen before and exclusive to Steemit :)

So Lets get started...Like all competitions/games, there needs to be some basic boundaries/rules, so I'm going to make a couple of quick guidelines to steer us (the basic premise, is it will be based on the interactive battle series) I've been running these comps on steemit, they are easy to spot and play if you want to check me out @lordnigel 

Heres a few guidelines/rules I'm thinking about for the experimental tournament: 

*You must create a player, during the enrollment/registration post. It will be easy, you simply comment you would like to play and give a unique player name, for instance.. you could say your a  Bad Tempered Elvish Fish Monger, Short Snout Armadillo Soldier or Dragon spear flying chick!. You can be as inventive as you want and include a picture, you can even hand draw and enter your pic profile for extra fun :)

Example player pic - Dragon spear flying chick

* Next, we are going to have some battle rounds, the victors get a small prize, split evenly as normal (just like the interactive battle games so far), everyone can continue to the next round, but at the end of say...3 rounds, I will add up/pick-out those key people whom won the most rounds and invite them to enter into the champion rounds.

*The champion rounds, will literally be me rolling a dice to see who wins. People can observe and pay respect by upvoting the competitors (dare I say gladiators) as they comment on how they will attack each other.  For these final rounds, I will randomly put players against each other. I'm thinking the mechanics might be, roll a dice, multiple the number by the number of upvotes for the competitors/gladiators comments and I'll post the winner, detailing the score and how it was calculated randomly and fairly..something like this. It's not a popularity contest, but I will use something like the number of upvotes in the calculation thus allowing people to interactive and influence the outcome a little, even if they didn't make it to the championships.

*There will be just 2 rounds in the champion play off, where players will fight each other, those who miss out/lose in the 1st round, will share in the 3rd place prize, those who lose in the 2nd and final round, will share in the 2nd place prize and those who win in the 2nd round, will share in the 1st place prize. 

*Any champion prize winners will be issued special limited addition trophy's. If people get say 2 trophy's they can be traded in at a future tournament for a 'bonus hit point'. Basically I'll add another 1 to your dice roll, thus making it harder to De-throne the champ...Will think a bit more, but this is to reward the champions and give people something to try to beat in future tournaments.

And that's it...

I really want people whom feel they are not Geek enough, to release the inner geek and play. Get out of your comfort zone and geek it up! with your geek Steemian friends, haha

I'd really like to use the post to gather ideas/thoughts/comment and finalize the experimental tournament plans. 

Does this sound like a good idea for this first experimental tournament? Are there any points above you would change? or extra points I should consider? please comment on this post and I'll try to include/change where possible

How else can you help?

Please Upvote this post with as much power as you can muster. 100% of Steem raised for this post will be used for prize money/Steem for 3rd, 2nd and 1st prizes, when we run the experimental tournament shortly.

Please tell people about this tournament and watch out for the official launch shortly; resteeming this post would be greatly appreciated.

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