INTERACTIVE BATTLE TOURNAMENT#5 - ENROL for the bestest, easy way to win Steem

This post is to allow people to enrol for & play in the Interactive Battle Tournament #5. 



To Enrol you must:   

  • Comment here in this enrolment post indicating that you want to play. I.e. You simply reply to this post and say "I would like to play".
  • Specify the Character Class you would like to play as, you must be either a: Warrior, Archer or Wizard. 

For Extra fun you may:   

  • Provide an image of your character it can be any image you want, but it’s recommended you reference the source of your image (if you didn't create it yourself).
  • Provide a brief description of your player/character it can be anything you like. If your unsure how or don’t want to post  an image (I will assign a random image for you). If you don't specify  a description, I will provide a random one for you. 

There is no entry fee to enrol; you are simply asked to Upvote the posts. 


  • Your enrolment will be confirmed - a few days will pass
  • A detailed instructions post will come available (how to use bots to play) - see links below
  • A campaign map and item shop post will come available  - see links below
  • Stage One and Stage Two Battle posts will come available - see Campaign map post *Battle one and two*
  • Enrolments will close
  • Stage Three battle post with come available - see Campaign map post *Battle three*
  • Stage Four battle post with come available - see Campaign map post *Battle Four*
  • Optional  - Stage Five (PVP battle post) will come available - see Campaign map post *Battle Five*
  • Stage Six battle post with come available - see Campaign map post *Battle Six*
  • Boss Round battle post will come available - see Campaign map post *Final Battle*

Prizes will be handed out as each Stage posts closes and winners are clear. I will deposit Steem directly into your wallets :) 

Basic play overview: Once Stage One and Two are shown as available on the campaign map, and your enrolment has been confirmed you may begin your journey and participate in the battles. 

Basic battle instructions will be available in each Stage post so read them carefully, pending your character class you will have different types of attacks to achieve victory and you will have 3 fresh life points at the start of each stage. 

During each stage you will have a single chance to pick the pocket your foe and gain an item that may help or hinder your chances. You will also be able to summon items from an item shop using either Steem or Trophy-tokens (pending your level - all players start at level 0 and go up a level for every two Stage posts you win on the first attack). Trophy-tokens are awarded to people for great content in competitions on Steemit - See @trophy-token for more information. 

                               Cut the crap! - How to win the Steem:

During Stages 1 - 4 and 6

It's easy, as each Stage is posted you simply reply using the command for your character class. The idea is to try and beat the foe on the first attack on every Stage. Instructions on how to attack for your class will be in each Stage don't worry too much for now if your new. If you don't win on the first attack you must keep trying until all your life points for the stage are used (3 attempts). If you move on to another stage before being successful, your remaining life points for the previous Stage become invalid and won't help you come the final boss round. The idea is to be cunning, pickpockets, fights Gobbo's, save life points and buy what ever it takes to win on the first attempt, failing that winning on the second or third attempt is still good as the remaining life points will be added to your final attacks in the boss round.

During Optional Stage 5

When optional Stage 5 comes up, you can have a crack at bonus Steem prize by being the top IBT PVP player -  There is risk though.... It costs one life point to by pass this stage (so only 2 life points will go towards your final rolls against the boss should you decide not to play Stage 5). However, If you play you get all 3 life points, but like every other Stage if you use them all up, they won't contribute to your final rolls against the boss. You may quit playing at any time, preserving your remaining life points, but can only carry over a max of 2 life points.

During The final Boss Round

  • If you managed to get to level 1, your item counts if you purchase a level 1 item from the shop.
  • If your still level 0, you can still buy an item.
  • Most significant tip - all your life points from previous rounds not used are added up and added to your final attack(s) against the Boss (you get two shots, best attack is your final attack score). You must care for your IBT character and do your best to get them to the end with the best level and number of life points possible to maximize your chances to win the end prize. IF things don't go well in the first few stages, don't give up! there are some good level 1 items that could twist the end result your way and the top players luck may not hold out in the boss round. Level1 items do not stack (your only allowed 1), but per round pickpocket and Gobbo items which only apply in the round you get do stack with any level item. 
  • If the number of life points you saved is low, risk a pickpocket
  • If your a level 2 Char risk it all and use the special attack.

Unlike previous IBT you must play strategically through out all the Stages to have the best chance of gaining glory and winning the big Steem at the end...hehe well in theory at least, lets see how it goes

Confused? don't be... just enrol, watch what others do and play along - it's been designed so once you understand it should only take a few minutes every night to play and have fun, before returning to your hard work of posting quality content and earning Steem :)




Let the Enrolments begin!!

Special thanks to @spaceginger   for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament  Image above, also thanks to @steemseph for his super sweet dividers. Some images were used from the abandonware game Landsoflore2

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