New Idea For A Contest - Steemit Open Mic Night

The other day I saw a great post that inspired an idea for a weekly contest on Steemit.

This is the post that inspired my idea.

THE STEEMIT SONG! (Original Music by @Verbal-D)

If you haven't heard this song go check it out. It's really cool track and great lyrics for Steemians. Way to lay it down @verbal-d

I love to get to know musicians and thought an open mic night on Steemit would help musicians get their music heard and Steemians could vote for their favorite performances.

I'm just throwing the idea out there to see what you guys think so let me know in the comments below and upvote if you like it.

Even if you don't play an instrument but would like to see an open mic on Steemit just let me know. I'll only get it going if there is an interest by the Steemit community.

The rules would be very simple and not judged on production quality so everyone could join in on the fun. Just record your performance live on your cell, upload it to YouTube or your favorite video hosting site and post it on Steemit under the tag: openmic

Ater one week the top three posts with the most votes would win a percentage of the proceeds from the contest. It be a great way to see some talent emerge here on Steemit and to network with other musicians while entertaining the community. What do you think guys? Anyone interested?

Again, this post is just to gauge interest and solicit ideas from all the creative people here.

Some graphic ideas to promote it.

Here's a few possible blog posters I made up in case you guys like the idea. I'm inviting feedback from everyone, musician or not so lay it on me.


open mike night steemit lounge.png

Looking forward to your suggestions and ideas.


Thanks guys!

Follow @luzcypher

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