Tattoo Story Contest Entry

My Tattoo Story by @matthewtiii

I was 30 years old before I got this tattoo, my first. I wanted it to mean something, so I took great care in designing it. The two dolphins represent my lifelong love of the sea. Inside is a ying-yang sun-moon. On the moon, there is 4 craters. Each crater represents a child of mine and their impact on my life.

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Getting the tattoo was a funny experience too. I found a tattoo artist after many months of asking around and finally settled on one. I was pretty tense when I went in for my appointment, having never been tattooed before, and he told me to relax. I did as he instructed and he started working on the tat.

Next thing I know I am being awakened by a smelling salt. He tells me it happens a lot when someone gets their first tattoo, and continues to work. BOOM out again. He awakens me with a smelling salt again and tells me I am relaxing a little too much. Chuckling at my newbness, he starts working again. Less than 10 minutes go by and he is once again waving a smelling salt under my sleeping nose. He gets me a coke and makes me drink half before he starts working again, telling me my blood sugar was probably low from the anxiety. He says "This time, if you pass out, I'm going to finish the tat before I wake you up."

He was very understanding and I am grateful that I stayed awake for the rest of it. He added to the flames and all told, it took 3 hours to do. I have contemplated having it colored, but I really like it the way it is.

I have gotten one more since then and it got colored the same day (less detail) and I am proud to say I did not pass out for that one. I would show a picture, but, it is 'R' rated.

Thanks @papa-pepper !

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