Epic Quote Challenge | The Library and Absolute Winner!

Heyho Readers! How are you? Let's share a picture of our favourite quotes and talk about books - Winner announcement.

Photo by Rita Morais on Unsplash

Heeey Readers! This is the end of our small book challenge, that has been on for two weeks now. Today we'll announce the absolute winner.

Before we do that, I'd like to thank all the participants and my beloved friend @riverflows. She helped me, not only with ideas, but with a donation to the prize. Without her help our reward wouldn't be so nice, we love you girl.

It was an absolute blast reading all your entries; some of them really made me think. That being said, don't feel sorry if the reward is not huge, instead, feel happy that you made a positive impact on my life.


  • The prize will be of 5 SBD that will be distributed to the absolute winner right after the contest ends.
  • If the initial post doesn't reach 5 SBD payout, winner will receive 100% SBD of the post reward. We'll also have donations from 4 different posts entering the pool, (Post 1, Post 2,  Post 3, Post 4)

Since our post didn't reach 5 SBD, the ABSOLUTE WINNER reward will be as follow.

  • Initial Post = 0.070 SBD
  • My Quote Post = 0.052 SBD
  • Week 2 Post = 0.051 SBD
  • Riverflows Donation Post = 1.356 SBD

On top of that I'll add 1.5 SBD that'll be distributed to all the participants in order, from 1-5, to honour their participation.


  • Share a picture of the book (1 point)
  • If you show the quote underlined (1 point)
  • Tell us about the book (1 point)
  • Tell us why you love that quote (1 point)
  • Tell us why it's worth reading the book (1 point)
  • I won't force you into writing a full post about the book you like, but if you feel like so, it'll add a lot to the community, hence giving you (5 points)
  • Or you can share your book on the comments down below, same general rules but you'll get (2.5 points).
  • Based on how the quote impacted me. (10 points)


I've chosen this contribution as the absolute winner based on the criteria, it was not easy deciding between this entry and the second place, but this one impacted me more.

She scored all the points of the table and this quote brought us the importance of being organized and patient. I do think that experience can teach us a lot, however, if we can avoid problems by following a good plan and by doing things earlier than they are supposed, we'll only gain.

I would complement her quote with another one by Roald Amundsen - "Adventure is just bad planning".

Contribution by steemian @celineaugustinee (20 points)

Congratulations @celineaugustinee! You'll receive 1.529 SBD.

She shared her contribution in a beautiful post, which granted her some extra points. You can check it out THE ART OF WAR BY SUN TZU, TRANSLATED BY THOMAS CLEARY- I SO MUCH LOVE THIS BOOK IN PARTICULAR. 

"THE ART OF WAR by SUN TZU is best summarized as being a champion/winner without necessarily engaging in battle but by foresight and common sense." - She describes.

I recommend you reading her post as she shares not only a book/quote, but also some thoughtful ideas of how we can have a better life flow by being patient. Her quote is.

Those who are first on the battlefield and await the opponent are at ease; those who are last on the battlefield and head into batle get worn out. - SUN TZU on THE ART OF WAR

"This particular quote keeps me focused. It has taught me patience and been on time. Applying this quote to my daily life, it teaches me the importance of being early wherever I am going to; whether an exam, interview, to work, traveling; just be on time Celine." - She explains.


Contribution by steemian @powellx5 (19 points)

Congratulations @powellx5! You'll receive 0.500 SBD.

Image by @powellx5

On the post entitled  A Contest Of Quotes she shared the book called Whuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. 

I love the fact that @powellx5 took the time to write a post about her favourite book/quote. Her passion and enthusiasm when talking about  Wuthering Heights are lovely and the way she describes the love/hate romance makes you want to read that book immediately.

"This my favorite book because it is so desperately and powerfully passionate. Passionate in a way that makes you feel love and hate. Real, true love and honest, pure hate. I think it's worth reading once to experience the quality of emotion that no other book I've read can invoke." - She describes.

She highlighted a couple of quotes on Whuthering Heights, but for her this is her favourite.

Be with me always --- take any form --- drive me mad! only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh, God! it is unutterable! I cannotlive without my life! I cannot live without my soul!  -  Emily Bronte on Whuthering Heights

"It's quotes like these that made me fall in love with the book. They make me feel what the characters are feeling. It's the only book I've ever read that breaks my heart. And it breaks it over and over again, every time I read it." - She explains.

Contribution by steemian @aasanka (17.5 points)

Congratulations @aasanka! You'll receive 0.400 SBD.

Image by @aasanka

He chose to share his book as a comment, which by no means diminish his contribution. In fact, I loved that he shared a book called  How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney.

"The book How europe underdeveloped Africa is all about how europe used their power and experience to change the perspective of Africa through colonialism." - He explains.

I love history books, we need to study history, to understand the the failures and learn from that. He highlighted a very interesting quote.

It would be impossible to understand how the present came into being and what trends are for the near future - Walter Rodney on How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.

"The quote is telling you that you must read, for you to understand how Africa came into existant, and what may continue happening there.  As an African I find it worth reading this book because it covers some part of my history. " - He commented.

Contribution by steemian @nightcreature (17 points)

Congratulations @nightcreature! You'll receive 0.300 SBD.

Image by @nightcreature

Another lovely post that impacted me more than she imagines, check it out Nightcreature Quotes - Our Wayward, Complex, Unpredictable Ways.

"The quote is from The Stone Diaries by Carol Shields. I never read the book. I can get free books from my local library, which I bring home and although unfortunately I am not much of a reader, I like interesting quotations, and sometimes I cut out interesting words or parts of sentences, to use as an inspiration for my poems. So that’s what I was doing when I discovered this paragraph." - She explains.

Although I'm not a fan of ripping books apart, she does have her points, I won't criticise. Her quote contribution was not the reason that made me think about this particular moment in my life, but her post brought some thoughts that impacted me. It is as follow.

Those who went before us were every bit as wayward and unaccountable and unsteady in their longings as people are today. The least breeze, whether it be sexual os psycological - or even a real breeze, carrying with it refreshment of oxygen and energy - has the power to turn us from our path. - Carol Shields on The Stone Diaries

"It is not only a reminder that our ancestors were just as complex as us, which sometimes we tend to ignore or not realize, but it also captures so beautifully how chaotic and unsettled our mind and behaviour can be. We always change, our hearts can’t always settle, we are not static beings, we are not set in stone, we don’t HAVE TO follow a certain path, it’s okay to change our minds, it’s okay to not want anymore what we wanted yesterday." - She beautifully wrote.

Contribution by steemian @insideoutlet (13.5 points)

Congratulations @insideoutlet! You'll receive 0.200 SBD.

Image by @insideoutlet

Let's give a shout out to our friend @insideoutlet, she shared a small comment for the challenge, without further details, but she has a good reason! She found time to comment, even though she was busy with much more important stuff in her life. Gained some points for that.

"I'm currently in Thailand finalizing the adoption of our son so dont have access to the book but I would have choosen Dune. And this quote... " - She commented.

It's lovely that she found time to participate. I'll add more info in case you want to check her book contribution; it's called Dune by  Frank Herbert. Her quote is as follow.

"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."  - Frank Herbert on Dune.

"The dog tag in the image is my husband's, as posted on my health advocacy blog. I stole it soon after suffering extensive panic attacks. It reminded me that its all in my mind and I shouldn't let the fear take over my life." - She explains.

Contribution by steemian @fractalobserver (10 points)

Congratulations @fractalobserver! You'll receive 0.100 SBD.

Image by @fractalobserver

He shared his quote as a comment and, even though I had some difficulty understanding it, I ended up liking it. I must say that I've had to research the book to get the meaning.

"This is one of my favorite quotes because it totally captures the futile nature of the mind and on a more fundamental level desire. No idea is greater than the experience of life happening before you right now." - He commented.

The book is called  The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner and the quote highlighted is.

I give you the mausoleum of all hope and desire...I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools. William Faulkner on The Sound and the Fury

This was a lot of fun to read and organize, I hope that this posts serve as a small library for those seeking new book adventures. Some of the entries here really inspired me and I encourage you to check those books as well.

Have you enjoyed this challenge? If you still want to share a book on the comments, I'll gladly read it, as I live knowing about you, however it'll be just for fun.

I hope you've enjoyed this post. If you liked it, consider giving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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