Community Casino Poker: 20 SBD Guaranteed or Total SBD Payout (FLOP & HANDS)


You have until 11am PST/ 1pm CMT / 2PM EST on Saturday to respond to this post. Must reply and upvote by then, no exceptions to be active for the TURN.

Saturday will be the Turn, the fourth community card.

Sunday will be the River, the fifth and final community card. Winner will be announced here


@devrajlove has 6 ♣ and J ♠
@bitrocker2020 has Q ♥ and J ♠
@sportsncoffee has J ♦ and 5 ♠
@jaybird has J ♦ and 2 ♦
@fivefiveeleven has 6 ♦ and 9♣
@codypanama has 8 ♥ and 7 ♦
@reko has A ♣ and Q ♥
@thatgermandude has 9 ♠ and 7 ♣
@chops316 has A ♣ and 2 ♦
@liberty-minded has 9 ♦ and 10 ♣
@geoffreydemars has K ♣ and 3 ♠
@ackza has J ♠ and A ♣
@nicholaspang has K ♦ and 6 ♥
@steeminator3000 has A ♠ and 6 ♠

Just for fun Team Epic drew hands for side-bets. We aren't eligible to win the pot.
@bethalea has 7 ♣ and 2 ♦
@nicnas has 10 ♠ and 4 ♣
@chiefmapster has Q ♣ and K ♦



  • Make sure to upvote this and comment to stay active and (call). You can copy your hand above to make it easier for me if you would like or just say "call" and make me work!


Welcome to Community Casino's first SteemIt based game, Texas Hold-em Poker. Or our version as Community Poker. With a little twist on it for this contest. Community Poker is meant to be for anyone but especially those who do not have the time to play poker online or those who don't know how hold-em works. This may be just what you need.


The cards will be drawn by random number 1-52. @bethalea will witness and verify this is done fairly. They will correspond to a card in a normal poker deck. We will begin drawing cards and will post them along with the flop in the post. If we were to use one deck for example and removed cards as they were dealt, it wouldn’t be fun if you had an Ace and you see the other three Aces were passed out as well. So we will draw duplicates for players hands. Note that the hole cards (your hand) will be public. The reason for this is because this game is not like any other Hold-em that you have played before. This isn’t Texas Hold-em.. this is Community Poker. So to make it fair and more fun we will draw 1-52 to pick the cards twice per person to get your hand. No duplicates for any one hand but in general multiples of the same card can be shared between players. The Flop, Turn, and River will be a fresh deck as well but no duplicates within the cards residing on the board. So the odds of drawing any particular card for the board/community cards will be 1/52. The idea here is that this is supposed to be fun and stress free. Betting isn’t part of this game in the general sense. The only thing one must do is request a hand, upvote and comment to each of the posts in the entire series. This is a learning experience and supposed to be easy for those who do not know how to play poker, or Hold-em for that matter.

Community Casino


  • You must comment mentioning that you "want to play" on the initial post on Thursdays, you are "requesting a hand" or something obvious showing that you are not just spamming.
  • You must upvote the main post, and please no weak upvotes for those of you who have a slider. This needs to be fair. If you are a whale/dolphin I understand if you dont upvote at 100% though.
  • You must upvote and comment as well on the following days posts (Flop, River and Turn/Finish) to be considered active. The reason for this is to ensure that you are still active. Must make you work a little bit. Since regular hold-em requires betting this game will just require you to ante up (UPVOTE) to call.

Winner Gets

This will be winner takes all. Community Casino will guarantee a payout of 20 SBD or the total SBD Payout, whichever is more. In poker only one person is the real champ, and for that reason only one person will win here. But you are all winners in our books anyways. That's all that matters.

Questions? Comments? Or just want to discuss this with Team Epic and others? Join our new discord channel BY CLICKING HERE. You may also follow all Community Casino posts by all authors on SteemIt @ccasino.

Steem Poker League

Make sure to check out @SPL for some live poker tournaments as well. You can learn more by following @SPL, @tuck-fheman or by checking out Poker Today Issues by @chiefmappster, @bethalea and @nicnas.


  • Go to
  • Create and account with your SteemIt username
  • Click the "Play" button
  • Go to the Tournament Tab and keep an eye out for the games and times

Brought to you by:

@chiefmappster @bethalea & @nicnas

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