Fractal Writing Contest #4, and winners of the previous one.

The THIRD Fractal Writing Contest is over. There were six (or seven, one entry was ambiguous...) contestants, with short stories, poems, pictures but no haiku this time. Most entries were themed after depressing situations and doomed scenarios -- only one entry was light & humorous. With just 3 lines, @bryarose23 managed to address a very interesting idea, of evil parasites and their affection for their mother figure:

@bryarose23 is the winner, for this entry.

The contest post expired with a reward of 1.529 SBD, so @bryarose23 gets the minimum of 1 SBD. The rest 0.529, I'd like to offer as a prize to another great entry, a dark poem by @julietisrael.

Congratulations to all participants and a big thank you to all upvoters. I'd like to see more participation in these contests and have a bigger reward pool to distribute, so spread the word -- the more participants, the better for everyone! If there are enough SBDs made by the contest post, I will try to reward a 2nd- and 3rd- place winner, as well.

This week, the fourth installment of the Fractal Writing Contest will run.

The Contest

Each post in this contest series will contain a fractal, a 2-dimensional representation of a complex mathematical formula. The participants have to post a comment with something inspired by the fractal, be it just a title, a haiku, a story, whatever.


  • You have to reply with a comment in the contest post.
  • The reply must be inspired by the fractal, but no explanation needed.
  • Any kind of content is acceptable: just a title, a haiku, a poem, a short story, a painting, a photo, a video, a doodle, whatever. The content must be yours, no links to other people's work accepted.
  • I will pick the best reply, when the post expires (1 week after posting it).
  • The winner gets half the SBD made in the post, minimum 1 SBD. If there are enough SBDs made by the contest post, I will try to reward a 2nd- and 3rd- place winner, as well.
  • Upvotes and resteems are welcomed, but not necessary to participate.

Fractal for Contest #4:

right-click -> "open in new tab" for detailed view

by @nyarlathotep

A fractal made in JWildFire
(right-click -> "open in new tab" for detailed view)

3 columns
2 columns
1 column