Last chance this season to win!

If you saw the announcement earlier, then you know that the remaining 10 players all agreed to "quit" the contest and split the 1285 SBD bonus which was made possible in part by a 500 SBD bonus from @anonymous.donor. Basically, these remaining 10 players had already been through over 50 days of daily competition where no matter how hard I tried to make the qualifications, they just wouldn't get eliminated.

Hardcore @dmcamera even used this keepsake from her youth to resemble a septum piercing recently. Basically, whatever I threw at these guys they handled.

Then, SBD skyrocketed. They realized that they each could split the post and walk away with over 128 SBD each plus their Bonus Point SBDS, so they agreed on a ten way split.

Once that SBD became worth over $10,000, those remaining players were eager to split! Here are all 10 of them, so you can help congratulate them!


@carrieallen - 153.5 SBD

@ecoinstant - 154.5 SBD

@chrismiss - 156.5 SBD

@ewuoso - 164.5 SBD

@joanderit - 140.5 SBD

@mariannewest - 146.5 SBD

@ir3k - 151.5 SBD

@otage - 178.5 SBD

@dmcamera - 155.5 SBD

@ecoinstante - 147.5 SBD

Big congratulations you 10! Your hard work, creativity, persistence, and willingness to share have been a blessing to watch! Keep it up!


To add another level to the contest, I initiated an additional level of play in the form of bonus points, which could be earned in three ways. Each bonus point was to be equal to 1 SBD, and would be paid out at the end of the contest. However, once the SBD value began to increase so incredibly, I paid out what they had earned so far early to bless the players and allow them to get "the most bang for their buck."

It was a different type of "bang" than the one that @ecoinstant was going for, but at least he is learning how to fire a rifle....

Anyway, besides the huge prize pool, I offered up a limited edition STEEM "COMMUNITY" Silver Round as a prize for whoever could earn the most Bonus Points prior to the end of the contest. For a long time, the selfie contest LEGEND @bluelightbandit was in the lead, but eventually he was eliminated, which gave time for another to catch up.

I had actually forgotten about this part of the contest with all of the excitement in paying out the incredibly valuable SBD. It was incredibly exciting, since 1549 SBD were paid out, and since SBD hit over $16 each on bittrex today, those SBDs were worth about $25,000 USD at one point. YES, really! (from a selfie contest on a "social media site?")

Our Bonus Point winner had to beat other players like the... um, we will say lovely @carrieallen pictured above. (Just a joke, she doesn't always look that demented...) Day after day, incredible speed and creativity were demonstrated as Quick Draw Bonus Points, Regular Bonus Points, and Secret Bonus Points were earned and totaled together, eventually adding up to...

So, I suppose that some of you already know, and the rest are wondering, who gets the silver?

This ROCKSTAR also known as @otage! If you guys missed the contest, you should have seen how incredible he made it! It was a blessing to have him playing along, and now, he gets his incredible reward, his very own 1 oz STEEM "COMMUNITY" Silver round!

Oh yeah! Only 1500 were ever minted, and each has its very own number recorded on the side of the round. Also, a certificate of authenticity is included with each! By the way, the Bonus Point winner next season will also get one of these... I'm just saying....


This "strange bird" is one good example of taking things to another level. From the beginning of the challenge, I offered anonymous accounts the honor of participating. After all, why should someone be excluded from the fun just because they don't want to post their photo online. @Otage not only joined in and remained anonymous, he also got the Bonus Point win!

@Notaxation was another interesting anonymous account to watch, although they were eliminated early on.

Still, while they were in, @notaxation rocked it too. I will once again be allowing anonymous accounts to participate next season too, so don't let not wanting to show your face online eliminate you from having fun with us! As this season proved, you never know what you might end up missing!


Yup, how about trying to win 5 SBD quick? They are still currently over $10 each on bittrex, so that's more than $50 that you could earn right now. Wanna know how?

Be the first to reply with a selfie where you look like @otage. You will need to have sunglasses on, and something red covering your face. That's it!

This recent police sketch may help you get the look right. First one gets the prize! @Otage, I'll mail your Silver soon!


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely


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