Woot! Woot! It is now Day 5 of the Daily Steemit Selfie Challenge!
Our registered players are competing against each other in an elimination endurance contest where their selfies must be posted on a daily basis and must meet the theme qualifications. Not only must they post their qualifying selfies prior to the deadline to avoid elimination, they are also competing against one another for bonus points. In each round, I will reward at least two selfies with bonus points.
Also, starting tomorrow, I will be rewarding one player each day with a "quick draw" bonus point for being the first to reply with a qualifying selfie each day.
Now Day 4 was a creative one because the theme was reflections. A lot of creative entries came in, and these are the ones that stuck out from the crowd and earned a bonus point!
As always, this is to the best of my knowledge. If you believe that you replied to the Day 4 post with a qualifying entry prior to 11:25 am (CST) today, then let me know. Perhaps I did miss something. As far as I know, though, these players have been eliminated.
For Round 5, all you have to do is take a selfie with some food in the photo. The goal is to have real food that you can actually eat, so a giant plastic hotdog would not work.
To qualify, you must have real food in the selfie with you. I chose to use a hot pepper, and lit it on fire for added hotness. That was just what I chose to do, it is not required.
It is pretty hard to take photos yourself when your hand and mustache are burning, so you might want to try a different approach. On the flip side, if these hot pepper selfies would have been in focus and less grainy, I think that they might have been really good!
Since the goal is to have people just compete on a daily basis, and since camera timers and other things come into play, as long as a new, original entry is made every day, players will not be eliminated. I will no longer be asking about who took the photo or other such things.
I am going to take a little time off until tomorrow night, so you'll get some extra time this round. Reply to this post with your qualifying selfie by 7:00 pm (CST) on Saturday to avoid elimination. As always, no entry post is required, but you are free to make a post featuring your entry if you want to. By entering this contest you are giving me full permission to use your entries in future contest posts. Thanks and have fun!
The current prize pool is 125 SBD, not including Bonus Points. It will continue to grow on a daily basis! That means that the longer you hang in there, the larger it gets!