Lisa was always a very special and unique girl like no one else, the expressions she used to use and her language - not very suitable for a lady - not only made her stand out, in fact they made her look like from another world, many times my grandfather used to tell me he was sure that Lisa did not belong to his time and for that reason Lisa and my grandfather couldn't be together.

The story of how Lisa came to the life of my ancestor is not very clear, it only known that one day appeared in the life of my grandfather and gave meaning to his life.

My grandfather named Ben said that the only appearance of Lisa in his life was the most wonderful thing in the world, a shame that this happiness was so ephemeral.

Lisa is not my grandmother. Grandpa Ben and Lisa never got married, they were only 16 years old when Lisa suddenly appeared, with no family or explanation. Lisa died four months after her appearance in an accident that involved a car, a dog and the crazy Jimmy, the neighbor of my family at that time. My grandfather or Ben for friends died at the age of 86 old by a heart attack.

Both events were very sad, when my grandfather died I was only fifteen years old and although I never met Lisa but I have always felt a certain affection for her. An inexplicable affection.

The grandfather in a few times showed me some photos of Lisa that he has, those photographs were his greatest treasure in the world and for some reason the only one able to understand her feelings for her was me.

My grandmother, my father, mother and all the other family members never understood what called the attention of my grandfather's for that girl, for Lisa. I was able to understand it, it was not an obsession, it was love.

Today at 45 years old I am still the only one who can understand that love. Lisa would have died a hundred years ago if Grandpa had not told his story with her, I appreciate that he did it because in that way Lisa is still being remembered. Remembered by me.

I always thought that the greatest wish would be to go back in time and prevent the death of Lisa, so my grandfather, Ben, could live happier.

These memories and this history came to me at this moment due to the exposure of the wonderful and innovative machine that is on the stage in front of me.

There are a lot of excited people clapping and asking to start the presentation.

I don't know exactly what brought me to this exhibition, maybe being a middle-aged man alone with no purpose in his life or was the influence of that pamphlet that is still in my pocket and has written in fluorescent green letters "Look at the experience that will mark the future returning 100 years ago".

Isn't as if I believe in this as possible, but something prevents me from leaving. So here I am at 4 rows of the stage seeing how the creator of this machine talks about theories and gaps in time and space. This is getting a little boring.

¿Anyone interested in being the first to try it?.

The engineer's voice sounds like an echo through the microphone. I only manage to smile internally because it is impossible for someone to be so stupid as to participate in this madness.

The presenter points at myq address and a sense of vertigo invades me. That discomfort ends when he raises his hand a little more pointing to someone in a row behind me.

The relief invades me and I calm down, it was just a coincidence that is what I keep repeating in my mind. That relief disappears at the moment when the stage climbs a pretty girl with a dress on her knees and boots that do not match at all with her dress. Boots that I have seen in every photo that my grandfather has shown me about the love of his life.

What, is your name brave young lady? - asks to the girl the presenter with a very enthusiastic tone.

Lisa! - And her enthusiasm does not come from begging.

¿Are You kidding me?.

Lisa is about to enter to the machine, and I know I could stop her, but I do not want to. Instead, I get up and scream as loud as I can towards her, expecting she takes my words seriously.

Lisa, look for Ben! Be careful with the cars in the following four moths, and avoid Jimmy! - My scream doesn't only bring the attention of Lisa, but of the entire audience. Lisa keeps looking at me with curiosity, and then raises her thumbs and enter to the machine.

The machine is turned on. Its lights flashed and suddenly the machine starts to smoke. The people, the presenter, and the machine's creator are scared. I just leave the place, I know everything will be fine. Then, a wobble stops me, and a tingling in my hands catches my attention.

I remember the words I say a few minutes ago, the words to Lisa and I realized that if Lisa doesn't die in four months after meeting my grandfather, perhaps they would live together forever. Therefore, I wouldn't exist.

The situation for some reason seems funny rather than scary. I lay on my back on the floor, and close my eyes.

I feel like an airplane arriving 100 years back in the past.

That was my last thought, before my soul wasn't longer real in this world.


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