Beta reading contest Ragnarok Conspiracy : Part one. 8 Prices of $1.5 SBD and one of $10 SBD

Announcing Beta reading contest Ragnarok Conspiracy

Part one

In order to improve the quality of my upcoming novel Ragnarok Conspiracy, I am looking for beta readers and I'm calling in the help from @croupierbot to try and get some usefull quality enhancing feedback.

You can win some steem dolars by beta reading one or more of the the eight chapters from part one of this story.

There are nine prices:

  • A $ 1.5 SBD price for each of the chapters.
  • A $10.0 SBD price for part one of Ragnarok Conspiricy as a whole.

So how does it work? Below are links to each of the eight chapters of part one. I need you to beta read them. If you see anything that needs improvement, check the comments first to see if you are the first to notice. If you are, create a comment.
If it is a useful and constructive comment and not a duplicate, I will upvote your comment and my upvote will equal you receiving one lottery ticket.

You may enter up to five non-duplicate comments per chapter. More upvoted comments mean a bigger chance of winning.
You may also comment on this post. Once for each chapter, you commented on. If I upvoted any of your comments on the chapter I will also do so here.

On the 1st of October, I shall call in @croupierbot on each of the chapters, AND, on this post. The bot will draw the winner.
The price will be $1.5 SBD for the individual chapters and $10 SBD for this post. That means you have nine chances of winning this month.

If a chapter or this post receives less than the minimum of two upvoted comments, there will be no price and the SBD that wasn't paid out will be added to next months draw when I will run a similar set of lotteries for part two of Ragnarok Conspiracy. Oh, and the SBD part of any payout this post might yield will also be added to the $22 SBD price money for next months beta reading contest.

I hope to run a beta reading contest each month for the coming five months. One contest for each of the five main parts of Ragnarok Conspiracy.

Oh, and remember, I am looking for constructive criticism. Not for praise. I want to learn what needs work so I can improve my story and make my first novell as high quality as I possibly can.

Have fun reading and good luck in the lottery.

Part One: Beginnings

  1. Dakila
  2. John
  3. Gwen
  4. Bjarne
  5. Rachella
  6. Pete
  7. Wietse
  8. Xavier

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