Review my short speculative fiction novelette and win 20 STD.

I have been posting some of my fiction on steemit and the payout for a few of my chapters was really good. As a self published indie author though, however much I like appreciation of my work in a monitary way, what I really like is honest feedback on my work. As after two novelettes, I am now working on my first full sized novel that I want to make as good as possible, I could realy use honest but constructive feedback on my last novelette Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy. So after some contemplation, I decided to try for this little SteemIt lotery. Review my story, honestly and constructively, and you could win 20 STD. I am currently powering down to fund this lotery, I hope I can now get some people to participate.

Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy is a 8000 word speculative fiction story about an angry atheist finding himself in an unexpected afterlife. I've posted the story in different installment on steemit, starting here with Chapter One. To enter the lotery, you should do the following:

  • Read Ethereal Pixie Rings Of Mercy
  • Write an honest review of the story as a comment to this post.
  • Include an artistic depiction of my story and increase your chances.
  • To double your chances of winning, also post your review on Goodreads, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Kobo or iBooks, and add a link to that review to your comment.

As for the nitty gritty details of the lotery rules:

  • A review should be at least 20 words long. It should be honest, constructive and refrain from insults.
  • Posting a review will get you three lotery tickets, one entry per steemit account.
  • Adding an artistic depiction of my story with your review will get you an other four lotery tickets. They also reduce the 20 word wordcount requirement down to 5 word.
  • Upvotes on your review will get you one additional lotery ticket per upvote.
  • A link to a review on Goodreads, Kobo, B&N, Smashwords or iBooks will double the amount of lotery tickets you receive.
  • The lotery will comence at whatever comes first:
    • The total number of participants reaches 20.
    • If on juli 9th the number of participants has reached at least 10, or when it reaches 10 after that data.
    • If on August 1st the number of participants is 3 or more.
  • The winner will be determined by a fair draw and will receive 20 STD.
  • If by August 1st there are only two contestants, then 13.333 STD will be distributed between them according to the ratio of their respective lotery ticket counts.
  • If by August 1st there is only one contestant, then that contestant shall receive half the price money, 10 STD
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