The words behind the Meep

Mister Old Dog (aka @kus-knee) has started a little contest!

He started out his contest by challenging us to get our very own Steemit enigma @ionlysaymeep to say anything else, besides the well known "Meep". No one managed and I have to say, I am very happy @ionlysaymeep stuck to his habits. He is an important part of our community and I think we would all miss the occassional "Meep" reply we receive.

So this left @kus-knee with an unclaimed price! He now asks us to show him what we think @ionlysaymeep would say. What are the words behind the Meeps? For this, he asked us to write an interview with @ionlysaymeep.

About a month ago, I had a very interesting chat with him and I decided to dig it up! After a long and frustrating search, I found the conversation I had with @ionlysaymeep and now, for the very first time, I will present it to you with the Meeps translated! This is the interview behind the Meeps!

@ionlysaymeep's exciting adventure

Playfulfoodie: How are you today?
Ionlysaymeep: To be completely honest with you, my fair lady, things could be better.
Playfulfoodie: Hmm, what's wrong?
Ionlysaymeep: Well, I was out last night, watching my favorite football team win the championships. Understandably, I was very excited and so were all of the other fans in the cafe! We celebrated extensively and champagne flowed freely. There was this one guy, he did not hold his liqour well... He started causing trouble! He got into a fight and I was caught in the middle. He even pulled a knife and before I knew it, that knife was sticking out of my leg!


Playfulfoodie: Oh that sounds terrible! Then what happened?
Ionlysaymeep: Luckily, a male and female wrestler couple chased the guy out of the cafe!
Playfulfoodie: Bah! Well did they catch the guy?
Ionlysaymeep: He got into his car, but the police was already there, because someone had called them from the cafe. They went after him, which resulted in a high speed car chase!
Playfulfoodie: A car chase? How exciting! Did anyone get hurt?
Ionlysaymeep: No one but the drunk guy. The chase didn't last long, because he drove himself straight into a lamp post.
Playfulfoodie: Thank god! So how's your leg now?
Ionlysaymeep: I'm waiting to hear back on test results, but there was talk of cutting my leg off! I'm so anxious to hear back...
Playfulfoodie: Cut it off?!! Oh no, you must be devastated!
Ionlysaymeep: I really am! I hope it won't have to come to that... I'll hear back from them soon!

A few days later, we spoke again

Playfulfoodie: Hi there! How's your leg doing?
Ionlysaymeep: It's still on there! They did surgery on it and I can't put too much pressure on it for a while, but I won't lose it.
Playfulfoodie: They managed to save it after all? Wow, I am very glad for you!
Ionlysaymeep: I am so happy with this aswell! I'm actually thinking of sending the wrestler couple a 'Thank you' note. Who knows how things could have ended if they weren't there...
Playfulfoodie: Yes, sending a 'Thank you' card would be polite. Maybe even add flowers or chocolates!
Ionlysaymeep: What a great idea! I could even add a bottle of champagne to celebrate a happy ending.
Playfulfoodie: No, I think champagne would be in poor taste. That is what started all this mess...
Ionlysaymeep: That's a good point. I'll skip the champagne. Thank you for your advice!

So there you have it guys. It was quite an ordeal, but @ionlysaymeep will make a complete recovery! What a lucky guy and interesting too!

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