[Crowdsourced Design Contest] 200 STEEM for Logo Design

I need help designing a logo for my new brand/product.
150 STEEM will be the 1st prize for the logo that wins
30 STEEM to second place
20 STEEM to third place
Winner will be decided after this post has paid out.

The Label

Magnesium oil label unscented.png
This is the current design of the label but I am ready to go completely back to the drawing board to integrate the new logo

The company is currently being called Health Magnified. The first product will be topical magnesium oil. I have direct access to a supplier of magnesium chloride, which is what magnesium oil is made from. I have made a prototype product that my friends and family seem to enjoy and the current market for magnesium oil is growing quickly.

The Market

Right now the market is a fairly niche market that includes fitness and health motivated individuals. Many people are also finding out that they have a magnesium deficiency and that magnesium is more readily absorbed through the skin than consumed orally. It is estimated that 80% of Americans are deficient in magnesium so the potential market is fairly large.

The Product

My product will be unique in that it is not from the Zechstein seabed in the Nederlands. It actually comes from a from underneath the Ogalala aquifer in the southwest of the United States. I can therefore compete on price because it does not need to be shipped overseas, and I am sure that the quality is comparable. In blind comparisons of my prototype to the current competition my friends and family have overwhelmingly picked my product. It is slightly thicker and smoother than the closest related product currently available.

magnesium oil prototype.jpg

The Logo

I am looking for a logo that is creative enough that it could dominate the label. I am hoping it would be attractive as the prominent element of the label. The current label is just to give an idea of my aesthetic, but really I am ready to design a completely new one around a new logo, because I am not satisfied with what I have come up with. Design is not my strong point.

In fact at this point, everything is open for change including brand name and bottle color(blue, clear, etc)

I don't want to give too much direction because I think someone could come up with something in their mind just knowing what the product is. It could be just a text design with nice looking font or a logo graphic of some sort. I have worked on a few possible logos incorporating magnifying glasses and water drops and mandala like designs, but haven't come up with anything that I even want to post here as inspiration, because I want to leave it open to possible designs that I can't envision.

Here are my competitors


ancient mineral magnesium oil.jpg

As you can see the small purple life-flo logo and the simple text "Ancient Minerals" are the logos on those labels. I think mine and my competitors design are mediocre and if I can come up with a good design, I could dominate this niche. Keep in mind that the contest is for the logo, but I included pictures of the labels because I envision the logo as prominent component of the final label.

Feel free to ask any questions to get more direction. To enter the contest simply paste your design as a comment. I will use any entries as I see fit.

Please Resteem and notify your graphic design friends of the opportunity!

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