Building my Future- One brick at a time Part 3

"Nothing is impossible, it just hasn't been made possible yet."


A Life's Ambition

Having dreams and ambitions is the driving force which propels people to improve themselves, and helps to motivate individuals to move forward. Without any dreams or goals, people tend to wander through life aimlessly not knowing what they want out of life. Sometimes, they donít even know if they are going in the right direction.

Most people feel that their dreams are only some distant illusion, far off in the distance like a mirage. However, I beg to differ. I am a firm believer that if you want something hard enough and long enough and you give 10000%- you can achieve your dreams and make them a reality. My most memorable phrase is:

" Nothing is impossible, it just hasnít been made possible yet".

For those of you just joining my story here is the Introductory Post

Part 2

For those joining me again thanks for coming back! I really appreciate your support.

To continue, I guess now is a good time as any to let you in on my decision as to what I decided to do about the management of the diabetes crisis facing us in Qatar.

The Diabetes Decision

For those that have read the first two parts of the blog, you will know that diabetes in the Middle East is a major issue. It is so critical that the Qatar National Research Fund has made it one of their National Research Priorities. Just to restate the facts, here is a brief overview

1. Diabetes affects 25% of people in the GCC

2. Every 20 seconds someone loses a leg due to diabetes somewhere in the world

3. Access to specialist care in Qatar is limited with appointments on average 13 months for a follow up.

At this point, I assume that most people would be rubbing their heads, wondering how on earth they could cope with their condition, or what could be done to make this easier. For me, it was simple. Build a Specialist Diabetes Hospital


Yes, you heard me correctly. When I initially decided to build this hospital back in 2006, there were no inclinations to build a diabetes hospital. In fact, after speaking to some of my colleagues, the need for a stand alone hospital for this purpose had been discussed by several people but utlimately, plans had been shelved and forgotten. Some thought it was too much of a hassle and abandoned the idea.

So what makes you think that you could pull this off? Well, thats a good question! I do know that I'm very stubborn and determined when I put my mind to something, especially something as important as this! My Mum always reminds me that when I want to do something, I will find a way to do it.

With the bit between my teeth, I decided to press onward and being discovering the best ways to approach this here in Qatar. Now as a sidenote, doing business in Qatar may not be as straight forward as you might think. Noone can open a business in Qatar without having a local "Partner" in which the "Official" split is 51%-49% in favour of the local Qatari.

As the time approaced to meet the first potential partner, I needed to adjust to the unfamiliarity of this road less trod. It was certainly the beggining of a long and winding road.

The this first potential partner was introduced to me through one of my patients, who often asked me if I would be interested in opening up my own practice. As the time approached to meet him, I gave him the quick elevator pitch on the problem, the potential solution, and our partnership. I knew I needed to explain clearly the problem with diabetes, and the lack of care was obviously a "no brainer". However, getting everyone to see it from my point of view certainly was going to take more convincing, especially if they would be parting with some of their money too in the process!

The meeting actually went very well. He putt me in touch with a fellow Scot (for those of you who might not know I'm Scottish) to work out some more details to present at a future meeting.

We did all that we needed to and prepared the plans for the centre. Despite spending all of this time on the project, he actually refused to help us set up this exciting project. This would be my first attempt at opening my hospital. It would certainly not be the last attempt!

Stay tuned for the next Instalment......

I'm literally watching my dream being built one brick at a time.

It would be my honor if you would join me on this exciting journey.I'm so excited to share where my passion for helping patients has taken me, and just how far along I am in achieving my lifeís ambition.

This post is an OFFICIAL PORT on @dreemsteem's "X Marks the Post" Treasure Hunt.  If you'd like to become a treasure hunter, an official stop, or a sponsor - Follow the map to begin your journey! By the way, she loves good comments even more than upvotes - so be sure to say Hi! 

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